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We all fought courageously, beating down the men who hosted the camp. 

"KEEP ON FIGHTING!!" I screamed out to everyone.

"THIS IS FOR YOUR FREEDOM!" This gave the people fighting hope, it motivated them.

I whacked a man upside the head, broke another's leg. I injured so many of those men, I put some even on the verge of death. I was fighting hard, that's all that mattered. Jellal fought by my side, while Simon kept doing all he could. Wallace protected Millianna, she was scared. She didn't want to get hurt even more. I could clearly understand this, but I had lost my eye. I could only see in my right.

"I...I can't see much, Jellal." Tears strolled down my cheeks as I continued fighting.

"It's alright..I'll be your other eye." Jellal spoke kindly, looking over at me to give me a reassuring smile.

I continued fighting. Screams and cries were heard all throughout the camp. I looked around, trying to see any men that were attacking others. Then Gramps caught my eye. He was fighting hard, but the man he was fighting was overpowering him. I ran toward him, planning on helping him. 

On my way over to him, the man he was fighting plunged his weapon through his chest. My steps grew slow, I trudged toward Gramps, tears rolling down my busted cheeks. Jellal ran ahead of me, taking care of the man that pierced Gramps. Jellal was crying as well, but it didn't phase him as much as it did to me. I assumed he knew Gramps wouldn't ever make it...

I started to run again, finally making it to Gramps. I tried to tend to him, but he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Protect...your...fri..ends..." Gramps spoke softly, those last words were soaked in complete pain. 

"I will..! I will, Gramps.....! I promise!!" I cried out, more tears falling. I grabbed his torn shirt and held it tight, resting my head on his chest. I cried more and more. 

Everyone continued fighting....But I stayed back, I grieved over Gramps's death.








To be continued . . .

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