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As we were walking to wherever he was taking me to, my pupils darted every which way, looking at all of the buildings and, well, life there was around here. Ah- I shouldn't have made that joke... It's pretty depressing. I had to take care of all the fallen lives on that island. They were so cold and...."why.." I mumbled, holding my hand to my chest.

Natsu looked over, wondering what I had just said and why I was suddenly sad. "Something wrong?"

I looked over at him and shook my head, a smile curving onto my lips, "I'm great!"

I removed my hand from my chest and intertwined them with my other hand, humming and continuing to look around.

Natsu looked back over at me, examining my structure and face. The corner of his lip rose up, revealing a sort of cringing look. "Um," Natsu blurted, "what's with the eyepatch...?"

My heart stopped. How would I explain? I can't tell him, he'd be weirded out. He'd probably judg- "-Erza?" He questionably said.

"Yes?" I looked over, "what is it?"

"I asked a question." He clarified, concerned about my listening skills.

"I...um, long story..haha" I shrugged my shoulders, forcing a reassuring smile.

Natsu blinked and look forward, realizing we were at the destination.

"Ah, home sweet home. C'mon, Erza. We'll get you all taken care of."

"Huh?" I took my eyes off of him, looking at the building he was now looking at. "Fai..ry Tail?" I read the sign, continuing to follow him.

"Yup. You'll love it here." Natsu blinked then looked at me, "wait..uh, are you a wizard?! Cuz' if you are, there's a chance you could join our family!"

I clapped my hands together, smiling brightly, "Yes! I'm a, a wizard."

Natsu rose an eyebrow, "what's your magic?"

I tapped my chin, walking through the door he had just opened for me. "I'm not really sure, I haven't really specified my mag-" Natsu jumped in front of me and made sure a flying chair didn't hit me. He turned over, "sorry about that, heh." I stopped in my tracks, admiring the structure and all the loud and crazy people in this place.


What is this place?

| To be continued . . .

The Mighty | Erza Scarlet - JerzaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz