n i n e t e e n

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Hey guys! This story is shifting to 3rd person for now, so sit tight!
The house was silent. No movement, no speech, no breaths taken. Quiet pellets of rain smacked against the pane of glass, as they slowly raced down towards the windowsill on the outer area of the house. The clock that hung on the wall slowly shifted. Slowly, but surely. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. It echoed throughout the barren house. Nothing dared to move, except one.

The cobalt hedgehog sat at a table that was located in the kitchen. He sat straight, his back looking like it was glued to the back of the chair. His feet were placed on the ground, knees joining what seemed like a perfect letter L. His hands were in gentle fists, which were placed on top of the table. They shook slightly, ever so often, a finger would twitch out of place, but slowly shift back. Below him was a glass. But it was not like any ordinary glass. The glass was painted all black, with a heart on it. The heart was painted half green, and half red, with designs to make them look like gemstones. That was the only thing that actually had colour, unlike everything else.

The azure hedgehog looked drained. His quills and fur were not the normal sapphire blue. They were more of a pale grey, with little spots of a faded blue. His peachy skin was no longer bright, but only dim. His eyes had lost their spark. The emerald green pools that his mate had fell in love with were now bleak and dead, looking as if hell was trapped inside them. The room seemed to shift to the hero as he sat still. A small sniffle then echoed throughout the room. A small tear shed from his eye, as it made its way down his bleak muzzle. 'I said I would stop..' He spoke in his mind. He slowly clenched his bottom lip underneath his top teeth, as a small curled smile appeared. The year slid faster, finally breaking away from his face. The tear had dropped into the glass, making a small splash sound. The glass was about half full, with a clear liquid, almost like water.

Then, another noise echoed through the house. Sonic's ears perked up in an instant. He turned around to see his ebony counterpart leaning against the doorframe at the end of the hallway. The azure hedgehog could not help but crack a smile. "Hello..." He murmured quietly. Shadow slowly began to walk towards him, with a look plastered on his face that said 'I think I'll murder you just for the hell of it'.

The cobalt hedgehog squeezed his eyelids closed, preparing for the impact from Shadow. The footsteps had stopped. He was directly in front of him, wasn't he?

"Hey." Shadow replied calmly. Sonic's eyes quickly popped open, seeing the look on his forgotten lovers face. He was not the slightest bit tense. He was actually smiling. Sort of. The hero stared at his doppelgänger. The crimson stripped hedgehog cocked his head to a side, staring into lifeless orbs. "You look scared of me. Just calm down." He spoke as if nothing was wrong. His voice was normal, just a little hoarse and raspy. "S-Shadow...?" Sonic spoke, swallowing hard to hold back the flow is tears. They formed in the edges of his eyes, as he bit his lip tight. The ebony hedgehog's eyes widened in shock, as he placed a hand on Sonic's cheek. "Don't cry. I'm right here." The hero immediately leaped off the chair in the kitchen, now meeting eye to eye with Shadow. He brushed away Sonic's tears with his thumbs, as a pale blush trailed along the azure hedgehog's cheeks. "S-Shads... Y-You're..." Sonic was in too much of an emotional shock to speak. Shadow placed a finger on his lips. "I'm perfectly fine. It's just you, me, and our little emerald, remember?" Sonic nodded. "I promised I'd never let anything happen to you or the baby.." He whispered as he looked away in disappointment. Shadow slowly pulled his chin back to face him. "I know you promised. And you know what?"
"W-What?" Shadow leaned in closer to Sonic, as he felt his face begin to heat up.

"You failed."

I awoke in a panic, as cold drops of sweat trickled down my face. I painted heavily, clenching at my chest. My heart was racing, and I begged for it to return it its original pace. I whipped my head around in all directions, regaining reality. I was still in the kitchen. I placed a hand on my forehead, as I wiped away the sweat. I then placed my hands on my face, feeling streaks that were dried from the tears. Looking down, my glass was laying in front of me, the liquid splattered all over the table. This made me want to just rip my heart out. The glass now had a crack in the side, close to where the crystal heart was. I picked it up and placed it standing once again. The paper towels were on the other side of the kitchen, which meant I had to get up to reach them. While I was getting them, I heard someone clear their throat. The paper towels slipped out of my grip, falling at my socks. "Ugh, it's you." My counterpart said unenthusiastically. I scrambled to pick up the paper towels, trying not to fumble with being the butter fingers I was. "What happened in here? Why is it wet?"
"I just spilled some water, that's all.." I lied. He spat. "It's stupid how you drink water out of that thing. It's not even worth having. It's broken anyways." I gritted my teeth, swallowing once again to hold back the tears. "I broke it just now. I'll fix it-" Before I could even think, a shatter was heard, as I saw small shards of black glass fly across the floor. "Not worth fixing now. I can't stand being in this stuffy little box you people call 'houses'. I'm leaving." He quickly buckled his skates, and left without another word. My focus went blurry. My favourite glass. The one keepsake I had that reminded me that Shadow was not completely here, but still here. Gone. Destroyed. By the person who gave it to me in the first place. My lip began to quiver uncontrollably. I felt the emotions of both anger and rage fire up inside my body. I slammed my fists against the drawers in the kitchen counter, causing things around to vibrate. "He was right.." I felt tears slowly stream down my cheeks.

"I did fail."


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