t h i r t e e n

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I have no life. Literally. Welp, getting bored has its benefits. Here you go guys! The chapters will begin to fall into place, but not too soon. Enjoy!

My muscles ached. My head throbbed. Every joint in my body felt like there was a miniature earthquake pounding away at them, slowly breaking them farther than what was possible. I let out a small groan, wanting to open my eyes, but I didn't have the strength to do so. I pulled strength I had, and tried to open my eyes without vomiting from knowing that I was dizzier than all hell at the moment. My eyelids fluttered, slowly opening with what little capability I had in me that I was willing to use. I had been seeing doubles of everything, feeling like I had just came out of the worlds worst tornado.

My vision slowly came to, flickering between crystal clear and sharp, to blurry and fuzzy as all hell. Soon enough, it stayed clear, as I was able to see my surroundings. For some reason, everything had looked very familiar. The ground was a light white-ish colour. I slowly looked around, seeing that where I was, could've gone down for miles. It was... Empty. A bulb lit up in my head. "Great. I'm in that limbo place again." I gathered strength once again, slowly rising to my feet again. I had to swallow a couple of times, to keep myself from throwing up my own intestines. I looked down at myself, seeing that once familiar pink, cloudy aura around my feet. "What..." I had remembered that something had happened to my ear before I had went unconscious.

I slowly pressed my fingers against where my ear had been slashed. My eyes widened in surprise, because the wound was no longer there. My ear was fully healed and fully functional. I questioned myself in disbelief. "What the fuck... Is going on..." I asked in plain silence. I peaked my head up when I heard the faint sound of someone crying in the distance. I took a step towards the crying sounds. Then another. And another. Soon enough, I was beginning to walk towards the crying, which had gotten noticeably louder with each step I had taken.

"Anybody here?" I asked, nonchalantly. In response, I got a small, scared yelp in the mid of the cry. I knew someone was in this hell hole of a place. As I kept walking, I started to squint, trying to see if I could spot anything in the distance. I closed them a little tighter, because I could make out a small figure sitting in the distance.

As I got closer, I managed to see a figure in the distance. I stepped up in front of it, as it continued to cry uncontrollably. I just watched it, without word. It continued to cry. I rolled my eyes slightly, crossing my arms. "Hey. Get up." I ordered it. The figure continued to cry without any note of stopping. This made me annoyed.

"Hey. Get up. Now." This time, it was a demand. It better not ignore me again, or it'll be getting what's coming for it. Although I didn't want it to once again ignore me, it did. This was getting frustrating, because I really didn't want to deal with it right now. I cursed under my breath, angry with this stupid clone.

I forcefully reached out towards it wrist, grabbing it and trying to yank it up. "I've asked you twice--" I yanked harder. It still wouldn't budge from his current position. I growled impatiently. "Now..Get up!" I yanked one last time, its body flying up from a sitting position and into a floppy, but upright rag doll. To my surprise, as soon as it was up, it whipped my hand off of its own wrist. "...n't... touc... me." It spoke, in a shaky tone. I backed away slightly, seeing it slowly wipe his tears away with its thumbs. "Why are you in the middle of nowhere, crying your eyes out." I asked, annoyed already, so I could basically care less about what its response was. It shook, rubbing its arms with its hands slowly.

I impatiently awaited its response. The figure slowly tilted its head up to me, with no emotions at all. "Alright, wh--" I was interrupted by a stream of tears flowing down its face, along with... Laughter. Its laughter wasn't pure, and with a true sense of humour. It was a darker laugh. Cold. Empty. It  just stared at me while it sobbed, and had the time of his life all in one face. I took a couple steps back, wanting to exit wherever I was at the moment.

I had opened my mouth to say I was going to leave, but it had planted his hands onto my shoulders faster than you could even blink. Like it wasn't real. Sweat trickled down my face. I wasn't any sort of mind reader, or future sensing machine, so I was in a legit state of nervousness. "What do you think you're doing?!" I question. Wait, let me rephrase that. I demanded. Whoever, whatever he was, I could tell that this is way different than what I had first encountered. The laughing continued, as he stared at me. Then it suddenly stopped. Staring at me. With those dark, empty eyes, I truly can't stand. Its grip on my shoulders tightened slightly. "It's funny how blind sighted you are."

My eyes sliced open faster than anything I've ever done in my life. I slowly sat up, seeing I was sitting on the couch. With Sonic at my side, sleeping peacefully. My mind raced with questions. What just happened. Who the hell was that. Why is everything normal. I had no answers to anything. All that replayed in my mind were the figures last words before I came back to reality. "It's funny how blind sighted you are." What the hell could that even mean? Blind sighted? I'm trying to figure out this fucking mystery. Chaos, if I only had one clue to knowing who's been doing this. My thoughts were interrupted by a chill sliding down my back.

                        "You already do."


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