s e v e n t e e n

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"For chaos sake, I could just punch him in the face right now." I spoke aloud, my voice bouncing off the hollow walls. Temperature rising rapidly, as my fists automatically clenched at my sides. I knew I was ready to loose my temper at any given moment, without word of warning. Just one big explosion of anger, that I'm sure he wouldn't want to see. I ended up taking a sliver of my anger out on my coffee table, which had done no wrong to deserve punishment. The table whipped across the room for the impact of my chaos spears shattering it. Pieces scattered across the floor, some in small heaps at the edges of the wall. Even seeing a coffee table fly and shatter into pieces, knowing it could be quite amusing for anyone to witness, got on my nerves even more.

Looking down at my hands, I then spotted the small silver band wrapped around my ring finger. Flipping my hand over, I saw the emerald encrusted ring sitting on my finger. A small glare crept onto my face, despite what a happy memory the ring had flashed into my mind. "Stupid ass." I grumbled, storming towards my kitchen. While walking, I couldn't control the way my emotions were slowly shifting from a blood boiling angry, to a stomach churning guilt sensation. "I shouldn't talk about him like that, I mean, it isn't even his fault." I said, reaching into the fridge to grab an apple that was sitting in the fruit drawer. As I closed the fridge door, yet again, my mood shifted without control. "What the bloody hell am I saying," I didn't notice my fingers digging into the sides of the apple. "Of course it's his damn fault! I have every god damn right to loose it on him!" I opened my mouth to continue venting, when I felt a cold stream of juice drip down my glove, then dripping at my knuckles.

Growling, I cleaned up the mess I had made and tossed the waste into the compost. After cleaning, I heard my doorbell ring. There was only one person who would ever dare to visit me. Stomping towards the door, I was greeted with a smiling face I could never forget. And that face, belonged to my fiancé.  Arms wrapped around my neck, as I came face to face with him. "How's my amazing soon-to-be husband doing today?" Sonic smiled, as he gently lip locked me. I kissed him back, but soon pushed away for an unknown reason. "Don't act all clueless, hedgehog." I turned away, crossing my arms. I couldn't see him, but I could see his confusion and worry in his breathing tone. "Er... What..?"

I turned around, my blood once again boiling. "Look what you did!" I unfolded my arms, looking at him. He cocked a brow, trying to see what was different. "Sorry Shads, I don't know what you're talking about." I was about to snap at him, when I suddenly felt dizzy, overwhelmed with sudden fuzziness in my brain. "You.." I sputtered, looking up at him. "Well of course you don't fucking see it now, but you probably will in a damn month or two!" I yelled, as a frown crawled onto my face. This emotions are weird. "What..?" I walked over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders. "You got me fucking pregnant, you fucking dolt head."

His face seemed to slowly go white, as if blood flow had come to a halt in his entire head. We both stared at each other, for what seemed like hours, with the constant awkward silence lurching around that you could actual feel. He suddenly pushed me away softly, laughter filling the room, while blood rushes back into that thick head of his. "Ha, nice one Shads. You won't play me for a fool this time." He snickered as he plopped down onto the couch, closing his eyes, not noticing the coffee table was missing. "I'm not joking, it's the truth!" My tone raised, as I threw a small hissy fit like a five year old. His eyes opened, glare shifted towards me. "Shads, I know you aren't the joking type of person, but you gotta take this one down a notch. But I have to admit, this is a pretty far out prank, even for you."
"You think this is a prank..?" I gritted through my clenched teeth.
"Well of course it is, duh, us dudes can't get pregnant."
"Tell that to fucking coffee table." I crossed my arms, as he slowly shifted around, staring at the shambled coffee table in the distance. "Alright alright," he spoke, as his voice shook while he held back the nervousness lodged in his throat. "Maybe you aren't joking, but what makes you say that you're actually pregnant?" I couldn't help myself from rolling my eyes. He chuckled slightly. "Well, we just had sex, what, almost a week ago? That gives me enough time to develop symptoms, such as having mood swings," I counted on my fingers with sarcasm, as Sonic peaked over at the coffee table and back at me faster than snapping fingers. "Yeah, go on,"
"Getting dizzy and nauseous, and being constantly hungry, which I never really am. Those were the signs I read up on, which I'm currently dealing with. Not to mention, I looked up if male hedgehogs could actually get pregnant, and it turns out a rare species of them can, them being known—" I was interrupted by a small sound of someone snoring. I looked at Sonic, seeing him passed out on the arm of my couch. Anger rushed through me, but I refused to let it take hold of me. "Hold it together, hold it together.." I spat, as I felt my eyebrow twitch. I tapped him on the head, but got no response. Again. No response. Smirking, I decided to cause a little fun. I threw a chaos spear onto his arm, causing him to jump up in shock, literally. "That's what you get for sleeping, you dolt." Standing up, he side smiled. "Sorry Shads, I was just catching up on the sleep I probably won't have once our little munchkin comes." I chuckled slightly, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards his torso. "I promise Shads, I won't let anything ever happen to you or the baby." Rolling my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing in on him. "You better not,

"Because I'll hold you to that."


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