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Like I said in the previous chapter, I HAVE NO LIFE. Enjoy yet another chapter! Oh, and WARNING!! This chapter is going to be featuring some mature, 13+ descriptions going on at the end of the chapter, just letting you know. But nothing graphic. Just... Er... Descriptive. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

"Are you sure you weren't just.. Y'know.. Tired?" Sonic asked me, a wave of confusing rushing over his emerald green eyes. He was concerned, because I had explained to him what had happened, as well as what had happened the previous time when I had blacked out in the middle of the forest. By his tone, I could tell he didn't believe me at all. He knows that I've been through many troubling experiences in my lifetime, but I wouldn't make up something as serious as this for my own amusement, no matter how fun it is to toy around with someone's mind.

I slammed my fist against the wall, causing the frames and the clock to start to wiggle in place. "I wasn't tired, I saw what I saw. Why can you just understand that?!" I yelled, my voice gradually bouncing off the walls and as well as being directed at Sonic. He flinched slightly, his ears flickering back and forth. I shot a glare towards him, any anger rising by each second that passes by. He let out a deep sigh, flipping one leg over the other, while draping his arm over the top of the couch. "Listen, I know that you're stressed, but it's not the time to just cause newer problems by lying." His words cut deep into my brain and thick wall of thoughts.

"Just as I thought, you don't believe me." I stated, my eyes locked onto his face. I could tell that he didn't believe me, because if he did, he would've already jumped at the opportunity to deny what I had just said. Instead, I received a cold stare, that was too afraid to speak up for his own good. I took a few steps away from the wall, crossing my arms. "After all the shit I've gone through to save you from fucking dying, all you can do, is assume I'm out of my own god damn mind." Sonic opened his mouth to speak, but I had enough of him already. I turned around, forcefully showing myself out of his house, speed walking out of the front door. I heard the sound of fast footsteps behind me, as I knew he was trying to keep me from leaving.

"Shad, wait." I refused to listen to someone who had already taken me for a fool. He continued to walk after me, as I continued to ignore him. I didn't want to speak to him, after all this bullcrap I have to deal with. He tried to grab my wrist, but I flung his hands away from me.

I heard his footsteps begin to die down, as I got farther away from him with every step I had taken. I'm glad he decided to leave me alone. That's all I wanted at the moment, to be left alone. I was about 10 feet away from him, when I heard a faint sigh coming from behind me. I slowed to a stop, standing at the entrance of the forest, which anyone with no direction could get lost in. We stood apart, delivering each other the silent treatment.

"Shadow." He spoke, slicing the thick cloud of silence that loomed above our heads. His voice echoed into my head, while the slow, paced sound of my own breathing echoed in front of me. I heard the grass crunch under his feet as he took a step forward. I slowly turned my head, seeing him look at me with eyes full of regret and confusion all mixed into one. I swallowed, not wanting to speak, but just to observe what he was going to do. He took another small step towards me. "Listen, I didn't mean to sound so... Harsh."

My eyes widened slightly, as I took a small step towards him. "Oh please. You still don't believe me. You're just saying that, hoping it'll make me feel better." His eyes fell like weights to the floor. He cleared his throat slightly, taking another step towards me. I cocked an eyebrow slightly, taking yet another small step towards him. "Well?" I asked, impatiently. I knew I was right, and he also knew I was right. But he was too cocky to admit it for himself. His eyes suddenly shot up, looking through me. "Well, just listen to yourself." I felt my feet root in place. For once, I actually wanted to know what he meant by his statement. "Telling someone you've seen a mysterious figure in the middle of no where," He took a couple steps closer. "You're trying to tell me that someone would believe you right off the bat?" I took a step closer, looking into his emerald eyes, as he sank deeper into my own eyes.

Before we even knew it, we were standing right in front of each other, almost touching. I looked at him, he looked at me with a little hint of cockiness. I knew he had flipped the tables, his answer proving he was right. "Shadow. I'm just trying to help you." His arms slowly began to rise from his from his sides, and slowly wrapped around the back of my neck, as he pulled himself closer towards me. I blinked a couple of times, trying to understand what he was trying to pull. He pulled in closer. "Just let me. Please." He whispered, sending a chill down my spine. He slowly locked his lips onto mind, kissing me passionately. At first I was surprised, but then I slowly eased into the kiss.

As it went on, it began to turn into a more fierce, and dangerous kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him closer to me so he couldn't back out, even if he wanted to. Soon afterward, we both broke for air, while staring at each other. The tips of Sonics ears were a vibrant pink colour, making me smirk. I licked my lips slowly, leaning towards him, slowly pressing my lips against his cheek, slowly moving down his neck. Sonic blushed, as I heard him moan faintly, while his grip around my neck became more firm and tight. Afterwards, I tilted his head, as he looked at me with glossy eyes. He chuckled, as if he was on a whole tube of laughing gas. "Why don't we make this more.. Hidden..~" I smirked, not caring what his response was. "We're already hidden." His eyes widened, as he looked around, seeing that we were both already in his bedroom. We both looked at the bed, then smirking at each other, then locking lips once more.

    This was going to be a long afternoon.

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 14! 3 chapters in a row. I literally have no life. I'll update again tomorrow if I get bored. If I don't, than expect something around Wednesday or Thursday. Till next time! -TheSilentTyper

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