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Hey! Welcome to chapter 8! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! The song for this Chapter is called 'Blue Lips' by Regina Spektor. I thought it went with the chapter. Anyways, enjoy!

I glance at the clock. Brightly glowing digital numbers flash in a pattern. The clock shows the current time is 10:47 in the morning. I peak in the mirror, which is attached to my dresser. My quills, messy and tangled. My eyes, looking drained and tired from dealing with the recent amounts of stress that have been piling up on everyday life. I stand up slowly, leaning against the drawers and slowly rubbing the sides of my face.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I suddenly squint, as bright rays of sunlight slash through my somewhat opaque curtains. At least the weathers nice, I think, as I smile slightly. I push my weight away from the dresser, turning to walk out of the room I am currently in and to go and walk downstairs. My house is silent, only sounds to be heard are the sounds of my footsteps pressing against the creaky wood of my staircase. Today, I don't want to face anyone. The day everyone will be in the deepest despair ditch possible, with no escape. I truly wish I could close out all life from my life at the moment. But I don't have a choice but to suck it up and deal with it.

Once I got downstairs, I walked into the bathroom. The tap slowly turned on, fresh, ice cold water streaming down. I slowly pealed off my gloves, setting them on the counter. I cupped my hands under the stream of water, it slowly gathering like a small pool in my hands, although water manages to slip away. I splash the water in my face, cool drops of what feels like relief against my cheeks. I do that once more, then again. Every time, I feel a pinch of stress being lifted. The tap shuts off, the stress flows back. I sigh heavily, in annoyance. I decided to take a quick shower, thinking that would make me feel a little better. Cleaner, but not any better.

After my shower, I walked into my living room. The room was dead quiet, small ticks and tocks of the clock on my wall echoing ever so quietly through the room. I glance over into the entrance of my kitchen. I felt my stress weigh even heavier on my shoulders. The flashback in my mind, stuck on replay. The glass shattering. The tears streaming. The heart, shattering. All like it's happening with every thought passing through.

I'm not very hungry, so I skip eating, and cut right to putting on my skates. I click the little latches on the sides, then peaking up at the clock again. This time it reads 11:08. I better get moving.

I step out of my house, shutting the door behind me. I reached into my over-sized quills, pulling out a green chaos emerald. "Chaos control." I speak, weakly. In a flash of light, I appeared at a gloomy looking building. The building itself, bricks looking like they're at breaking point, wilting vines growing up the sides, cracked pillars holding up a small roof, looking like its in shambles. I read a small, faded golden plate on the side of the building, as I slowly put the emerald away.

     "M Ö B I U S  F U N E R A L  C E N T R E"

I spoke quietly. "You decided to come, huh." I jumped slightly, turning around to see the blue hedgehog standing behind me. I frown slightly, a hand placed on my hip. He smiles. "I came, because it would look bad if I didn't." I retorted. He chuckles slightly, flipping his wrist at me. "Nobody would care. Let's just get inside." He tosses me a wink, but I catch something else. He walks by me. I see dried streaks on his cheeks, from many layers of tears. His eyes, slightly bloodshot as well. When he smiles, his lip quivers without him even noticing. He's trying to hide his sadness and stress. I can tell he's slowly breaking.

I walk up the steps, slowly opening the door to the building. I enter extremely quietly, seeing everyone already inside. All the couples together, comforting each other. Rouge, tears streaming down her face, causing her many layers of mascara to run, while the echidna holds her against him. Blaze, comforting Silver as he quietly cries into her shoulder. My eye catches Sonic and the fox kid standing by a casket. The fox gave the blue hedgehog a hug, and walked away slowly. I pondered for a moment, wether I should step over or leave him to grieve. Screw it.

I stepped over to him, studying his face. His eyes were fixed on Rose's body, which was lying still with a bouquet of white roses lying on her chest. His emerald eyes. Now thats what gave away his pain. They shook ever so slightly, trying to fight back a dam of tears. He slowly looked at me, smiling.

"She's in peace now. No more worrying about the stress of life. She can just leave that to us now." He sighed. He tried to make it sound happy, but I heard it as I desperate call for help. I gave him a concerned look. But turned away to look at the body before he could see. "You can stop the acting now. I know you're dying to loose it." I said, open ended. I crossed my arms gently. Tilting my head towards the roof of the building, which was covered in stain glass, outlining an angel. He sniffled. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He only continued to stare at the body. "Whatever." I spoke quietly, turning away and walking away. He only stood still.

A few minutes later, the ceremony started. Everyone sat in pairs, and of course, hedgehog decided to sit his ass down beside me. I'll take it easy on him today, because even I'll admit, I am a little down for him and my own reasons. The whole conversation between everyone here and the priest just flew over my head. I was too busy watching Sonic. He looked calm. Too calm. He only slouched forward, elbows on knees, head resting on the tips of his middle fingers, in complete silence. What did catch my attention, and Sonics as well, is that he was called on. He was asked wether he wanted Rose's ashes, or for her to be buried.

"....ashes. Please." He spoke quietly. Good thing this place was empty, if it was packed, his voice would've sunk amongst the crowd. I looked down, not wanting to witness Rose's body being burned in front of me. It was just plain torchere, even though she was already dead.

A hand yanked on my arm gently. "Shadow.. Can I speak with you..?" I peered over, Sonic looking right at me with wide eyes. I swallowed hard. "Alright.." I said with a small bit of doubt. He pulled me out of our seats, pulling me into a side room off of the main room. He pulled me inside, along with himself. Shutting the door and locking it behind him.

"What are you.." He broke. He bursted into tears, as he collapsed to his knees. His breathing sped up from the constant flow of tears. "I-I can't.. D-Do this.." He gasped between small coughs to gain breath. I didn't know what to do. Do I feel sympathy for him? Do I bust the door and walk away? Damn, sometimes I truly hate my choices.

I decided to do what any 'smart' person would do in this scenario. "Stop the crying. Please." I tried to sound sympathetic best I could. I've never actually felt sympathy for anyone in my life, so I'm trying now.
"But, you don't understand. T-Things can't go back to t-the way they w-were." He continued to sob uncontrollably. Sweat dripped from my face. "You may be right, but, crying isn't going to fix anything. Or bring her back." I leaned against the wall of the room, crossing my arms. He looked at me, angry. "Don't tell me w-what to do! I'm 17, I k-know how to work my o-own life!" He yelled, his volume increasing. Damnit. My ear twitched: footsteps. This way. "Put them away. Someone's coming." I clenched my fist, keeping cool.

Silver knocked on the door quietly. "Are you guys alright?" His voice barely managed to cut through the thick wood of the door. "We're fine. We'll be out in a minute." I answered, nonchalantly. He mumbled something in the form of understanding, as the footsteps faded back in the opposite direction. I looked at Sonic. He was already standing, and opening the door. He looked at me, smiling slightly.

                           "Let's go back."


Note: I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 8! The next chapter will probably be up around Thursday - Friday night ish. Until next time! -TheSilentTyper

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