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For a while Evelix stared after the old wolf. He to needed to leave this place, for a while now there has been a nagging in the back of his mind that all was not as it should be. Spring was almost in full bloom now, the scent of blossoming trees and flowers, had filled the air, but there was an underlying scent, which only a few would recognize. It was a foul odor, something that had no business being in the air. It was the smell of death, and decay, and rot. Somewhere, far away, something was stirring, and it gave him chills down his spine.

After a few moments he gathered his thoughts to himself, called after the female wolf, and set about removing any evidence of their stay in the make shift camp. He had decided then that they would be setting forth on their journey as well. He silently went about folding up the light furs and wool blankets that he used to sleep on .

He cleared the ashes from where the fire had burned many a night, and threw them in a dried up well. He threw any leftover food into the well as well, only keeping what they would be needing on their journey.

Suddenly Evelix heard a bustling behind him, it was Neeta. She too was  busy clearing her sleeping furs. She was so mysterious, and beautiful. He had not  seen such beauty in a human female before... Except his late wife. A lump formed in his throat as his thoughts wandered for a moment...

Quickly he recomposed himself, and continued clearing the courtyard of their presence. Nasana, for some reason did not seem to want to budge from the spot where she was sitting, her sadness must be overwhelming he thought, she was still only a few days old when he found her, and now almost four months later, she had lost the only other wolf friend she ever had come in contact with. Evelix chose to stay away from wolf territories. Wolves might be beautiful animals, but they were far more dangerous than they appeared.

Neeta walked over to Evelix after she had cleared her sleeping furs, she looked at him as he tirelessly worked to clear the area. "I would like to ask a favor of you" she said in a musically soft voice. Evelix stopped what he was doing, lifted his head and looked at her inquisitively, "Please ask what you may, and I shall oblige to the best of my ability."

A hint of a smile played at the corners of her mouth "I would like to ask what your plans are from here, I have an important errand to run, and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to travel with you"

Evelix, now standing fully upright, looked at Neeta for a few moments, dropping his head, he looked at the ground, pondering the words she had said. Slowly he lifted his head, and looked her in the eyes, "My lady, may I ask what the nature of this errand entails?"

She hesitated at his question..."I am sorry, please forgive me, but I cannot tell you that, my life depends on it. If it is a problem, then I will make other arrangements"

Evelix stood staring at her, he looked over to Nasana. She was still sitting in the same spot as when the old wolf left, but now her head drooped to the ground, and he realize that she had dozed off.. Poor thing, he thought to himself, and turned his gaze back to the black haired beauty before him, there was such a desperation in her eyes. He felt a stir of sorrow inside him, and before he could think he almost blurted out "Yes, Neeta, you can travel with us. I am setting foot after the old wolf. Something tells me that he will soon  need help"

With the words seeming to flow from his mouth, happiness leaped inside of Neeta's heart, and she smiled a broad smile, lighting up her sapphire blue eyes. "Oh, thank you Evelix, you have no idea how much this means to me!!!" She had to restrain herself from not throwing her arms around him and hugging the living daylights out of him. He just smiled at her, and carried on with what he was busy with.

About two hours before midday, having cleared the ruined castle of their presence, the three companions set off after the old wolf. Neeta carried her possessions, her long sword clasped on her hip, and a bow and some arrows in a quiver flung over her back. Evelix thought that it was strange, that she carried those items with so much ease. They almost seemed to be a part of her. He too carried two broad swords, crossed on his back, and a short dagger was tucked neatly in his boot, a white oak bow, and silver tipped arrows was also among some of his possessions. He was a good hunter, but he was a better warrior. His long chestnut brown hair was tied neatly with a leather string at the nape of his neck, he rarely let it hang loose. His hair was also streaked with a few grey hairs here and there, something completely out of place for his young years  Nasana was trotting at a lazy and depressed demeanor behind the two humans, she was still saddened by the departure of the old wolf it seemed to Evelix.

They walked for about an hour, when they came to a fork in the road, Evelix dropped to the ground, searching for some evidence as to which direction the wolf might have took. He stood up, and pointed to the left road. On the small clearing dividing the two roads, stood a name pole that looked ancient.

Two half broken signs sat on top of the pole, the names on them has long since faded, but someone must have drawn something on them, all Evelix could discern was East, and something that might have looked like West.

Just as they were about to set foot on the road heading West, they heard a loud noise behind them, only to see a couple of horse riders speeding towards them. Seeing that Neeta was caught directly in their path, he shouted at her to move away, but she just stood there a look of frozen fear splayed all over her face. Evelix ran as quickly as he could, and bumped Neeta out of the way, she gave a loud scream as she landed on her backside on the side of the road, with Evelix falling on top of her.  For a brief moment their eyes locked, and for a few seconds Neeta stared into Evelix's dark blue eyes, she noticed for a moment that there were three evenly spaces gold flecks , surrounding the blacks of his eyes. Fear gripped her for a fleeting moment, not truly understanding why. Evelix quickly stood up, as he saw the fear spreading on her face, he held out a hand for her, and she inclined his gesture and let him pull her up from the ground, dried grass was stuck in her hair.

Nasana growled and ran after the riders, scaring the horses even further, after a couple of meters, she eased up and turned around, she was panting now, adrenalin rushing through her wolf veins. Slowly and at a steady pace, she returned to where the humans were standing, both of them looked angry.

As Neeta composed herself Evelix looked at her while he was trying to shake the dust and grass off of him "Are you okay Neeta?'' he asked in a highly agitated voice?

"Yes yes, I am, thank you..."

He looked at her, anger filling his dark eyes, making them seem even darker than they really were. "What in the name of the heavens were you thinking? Didn't you see those riders coming right at you?!" He was now shouting very hard at her.

"Did you even hear me shouting at you to move out of the way?!"

Neeta just stared at him,  shock and anger welled up in her, and tears formed in her eyes, she tried to blink the tears away, but by now, they have already reached the bottom of her chin... Finally she mustered the courage, and opened her mouth "I froze!!" She shouted back at him. "No person or animal has ever charged at me like that before. I got scared, and I... I just froze!!!" Neeta was now sobbing uncontrollably, her wet face buried in her hands. Evelix walked over to her, and he took her in his arms, she tried to push him away, but he would not let go of her. He folded his arms around her, and he spoke softly as she rested her head against his shoulder. "I am sorry, I did not mean to shout at you, but you could have been killed... And then what would I do for entertainment?" She quickly withdrew her face from his shoulder, only to see grin plastered all over his face. her anger dissipated almost immediately.

"I am sorry too, I did not mean to shout at you"  Neeta said softly, her eyes cast down. She had forgotten how good it feels to be just held by a man. She quickly withdrew, straightening her leather jacket, removing the remnants of the grass in her hair. Evelix just stood there, staring at her. Feelings stirred inside of him, feelings he had never thought he could ever have for another woman.

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