Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

Rummaging around his leather back pack, he gave a sound of approval as he finally found the ointment he was looking for. 

He approached the female where she made herself at home in front of the fire. Even though it was almost spring, there was still a chill in the morning air. She carefully extended her arm, and the man took it and gently started applying some of the ointment to her wounds. She flinched at the sting of it, and bit on her lower lip, as a single tear ran down her face. The man looked at her face. She was no doubt a beautiful woman, still young, and quite a fiery spirit. A small inconspicuous grin formed in the corner of his mouth. 

"So, tell me, what are you doing in these part of the woods?" 

She looked at his handsome face, and as he was wrapping her wounded arm with some make shift bandage, she answered: "Well, I was out hunting when I heard music, it was unlike anything I have ever heard. It was so sad, and beautiful. I followed it, and I saw that it was you who was playing." 

He looked at her face, as he finished up with her arm. "And then you decided to slit my throat, and rob me? I must say, that I find it quite difficult to believe that you could pass two wolves, and a very good hunter, I might say, without being heard or seen for that matter, unless of course you are a she-elf." 

The woman tried to search for some reason not to trust the man. everything inside of her mind told her to run, and as fast as he could. But her heart convinced her otherwise.  

"Well", she said as she took a hand and wiped her raven black hair behind her ear. "As you can see for yourself, I am not a she-elf, I am just very light on my feet, I grew up in these parts, and I know how to move without being heard or seen, and as for that other part, about me robbing you, well you would be correct in assuming that. I know it wasn't a very good idea, but I thought I could over power you, but I guess I didn't think that you would have a wolf, or two as companions. I see now that my endeavor would have been pointless" 

The man searched her face for any traces of deceit, but he could find none. He gave her a big smile.  

"Do you have a name that goes with that pretty face of yours? Or do you prefer me to call you woman?" 

At this comment her cheeks flushed with redness. She looked down at her feet, cradling her arm in her lap.  

She lifted her head. Her eyes met his, "My name is Neeta"  

He looked at her, and gave her another big smile, his eyes glinting in the light of the fire, "Well, Neeta, I am Evelix, the female wolf, is Asana, and well, the male wolf doesn't really have name, but ever since I first met him, a certain name has kept coming back to me, Winterfang, because he's white, obviously, and well he has fangs, so I think that is what it should be, Winterfang... Got a nice ring to it, don't you think?"  

Neeta chuckled, "Yes, it does actually."

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