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Farkle huffed, slightly impressed, mostly annoyed. "This is war, Matthews," he challenged, a fire in his eyes that Riley had never really seen before.

"It's on, Minkus," she smirked, immediately jumping behind the closest tree, and gathering up all the snow around her to make a huge snowball. Before Farkle knew what was happening, he was being pelted relentlessly with small balls of snow. He moves behind a tree, opposite to where she's hid. "Is that all you got, Farkle?" she screams.

Without warning, Farkle catapults multiple snowballs towards Riley, making her cringe as coldness seeps into her sweater and her already soaked jeans. One of them hits her in the shoulder hard enough for her to catch her off balance, sending her towards the ground, landing with a large thump that radiates throughout the park.

Stifling back laughter, Farkle approaches the girl, "That is all I got," he jokes, smiling at her glaring face. "Here, I'll give you a hand," he offers, holding his palm out for her.

With a devious smile, Riley musters up her strength and pulls him down into the snow with her, him landing face-first right beside her. She lets out a boisterous laugh and smiles as he gives her back the same glare she gave him. Sticking her tongue out she mocked Farkle as he lay in the snow, resting.

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