"Wow." They said at the same time. Now THAT was creepy.

"What do you guys think it means? It has been bothering me all day."

"Did you eat a box of frozen pizza before going to sleep again Mila?" Dinah retorted.

"No. Come on guys I'm serious!" I pushed, which  just caused them to start laughing their asses off.

"What fan fiction are you reading now?" Normani asked between chuckles.

"Guys please I'm serious! It wasn't just a normal dream it felt like I was physically there, but I wasn't. And the girl, her eyes... I don't know it just all connected somehow and it felt right." I said seriously. They immediately stopped laughing and stared at me. I was never serious so when I was they knew I wasn't playing around.

"Well who is she does she go to our school?" Normani asked.

"That's the thing I've never seen her before, but she did know my name. How does she know me?" I said while pulling my hair out of frustration.

"That is creepy weird." Ally mumbled.

"I know, my brain is going to explode and my heart is going to pop out of my chest." I might have exaggerated a little bit, but I am very overwhelmed. 

"Calm down Camila you'll figure it out. Just calm down or else you're going to end up bald." Ally said removing the hands from my head.

"HEY! Maybe it was a dream about the future." Dinah joked. I took a couple deep breaths to calm my nerves down.

"Haha very funny." I said with a fake smile. I took the last bite of my pizza right when the bell rang. I had no classes with the girls only lunch. Sad I know.

"Well bye girls time for trig!" I said with a smile on my face and hugged each and everyone of them goodbye and made my way to trig, my favorite class of the day. Lets go math!

Thank the Mama Jesus that the day went by fast. As soon as the bell rang I bolted to my locker stuffed my books in my bag and ran to the door. I was suppose to go home with the girls but they had a dates with their boyfriends, leaving the single-pringle to walk home by herself. I was about to push the double doors open when Jennel and Ashley came out of nowhere and blocked me from leaving. Next thing I knew I'm surrounded by the whole crew. I tried pushing myself through but all it just resulted in them pushing me back. I looked around and each of them had an evil smirk on their ugly ass faces. 

"Can I pass?" I said annoyed. Trying to keep my guard up and strict face on.

"Now why would you want to do that?" Jennel taunted while she played with her fingers.

"So I can stop the torture my eyes are facing having to look at you." Her face turned hard clearly striking a nerve. I gave her a toothless smile and tried pass them again. No success. Instead I was shoved back hard hitting a hard chest. Then the guy, Drew, thew me over his shoulder and carried me to the hidden hallway all the way at the end of the school. I tried breaking free by punching his back but it was so hard I bet he didn't feel a thing.

"Let me go you asshole!" I yelled but then was let down and immediately got slammed into the wall. Jennel came up to me first.

"You will regret ever dissing me again Cabello." She hissed connected her hand to my face. The bitch just slapped me! Before I could say anything I felt someone kick my feet  making me fall to the floor at the sudden impact. They started laughing and then I felt a hard kick to my back, then another to my back, and another to my legs. They all jumped in kicking and insulting me.


"Worthless hoe!"

"Dumb bitch!"

After a few minutes of the kicking and yelling they got tired and stopped. Tears were flowing down my face none stop, silent sobs escaped my lips. My whole body felt like utter and complete shit, like they still were kicking me but they weren't. I curled up in fetal position with my shaking body and hid my face in my hands praying they would just go away.

My Protector (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now