As Amelia was preparing to send her children off with Clemence and the Lady Bryan, who had volunteered to help on this special occasion, the herald announced the arrival of Anne of Cleves, and Amelia knew that there was no way she could not allow her children to see her.

Charles acted as an escort, walking Anne down the aisle. He could see that Katherine was not happy with her predecessor's appearance, although the King seemed pleased at her appearance.

"Lady Anne," the King said, rising. "Welcome to my court."

With open arms, he greeted her, kissing both cheeks.

"Your Majesty," she greeted. "Happy Christmas."

"Allow me to introduce me to my new wife, Queen Katherine," Henry said.

"Lady Anne," Katherine said, still unsure of what to think of the woman.

"Your Majesty," Anne replied, curtsying deeply. "What a great privilege and honor it is for me to be presented to you. I am so delighted."

Katherine giggled, and decided that she liked Anne. "You are very welcome to court, Lady Anne," Katherine said, extending her hand down to the woman. She grasped her husband's hand. "We thank you so much for the two fine horses you sent, and wish you a very happy New Year."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Anne responded. "I think we should all be merry."

"Yes!" the King replied, clapping his hands and causing a round of applause to ring throughout the room.

As the music struck up, Anne quickly found Amelia and her children in the crowd and greeted them all warmly, especially baby Nicholas. They conversed in German, mainly talking about how Anne found her new home and how Mary and Philip were very happy together.

The German that came from the two concerned Katherine. The only language that she could speak was English. What were the women saying? Was it something about her?

"Your Excellency!" Mary called upon seeing ambassador Chapuys. She paused when she saw the man walking with a cane. "You are not well?" she asked, concern filling her face and voice.

"These days, I suffer a little from gout, Lady Mary," he replied with a humorous smile.

"Please, sit," Mary told him, gesturing to a nearby chair.

"Thank you," he replied. "Are you going to introduce me to your new husband, Lady Mary? It is my deepest regret that I could not attend your wedding."

"It is quite alright, Your Excellency," Mary said. "This is Philip, Duke of Bavaria, although while in England, he is Duke of Clarence and Warwick."

"My dear wife has always spoken very highly of you, Your Excellency," Philip said with a deep bow.

Eustace looked to Mary.

"You are and always have been my most faithful and truest friend in all this world," Mary told him, a smile on her face. "I could not bear it if you were ever to leave here."

"You have His Grace to keep you company now, Lady Mary," Eustace responded, looking to the man standing behind her with his hands resting gently on her shoulders. "And, I hear, a little one soon on the way. I believe congratulations are in order." He paused for a moment. "Your mother would be proud."

The sad smile that Mary and Eustace shared was broken by Henry and Katherine laughing loudly. Mary took a deep, annoyed breath before turning back to Eustace. "He ought not to have divorced the Lady Anne," she said. "Now that I know her better, I think she is perfectly sweet and gracious. She was the one who introduced me to Philip, after all."

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