Act of Treason II

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Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 17, Tudors | FanFiction

A/N: A History Lesson – William Brereton, according to history, was not an assassin. There was in fact no assassination attempt made on Anne's life at her coronation. In real life, Brereton was about fifty years old, married, and had two sons. He was more than likely accused of adultery by Cromwell for political reasons, not because he was an actual suspect.

16 May 1536

"Have you heard that the Queen has been convicted of high treason and sentenced to death?" Catherine Pole asked Amelia as they walked together in the early spring gardens. The contract between their two children had not yet been drawn up, but John had begged Amelia to let him spend time with his new friend. According to Catherine, Frances had done the same.

Amelia nodded. "My husband attended the trial," she replied. It had been a few days after her 19th birthday.

Catherine's face made a sour expression. "I could never imagine having an affair on my husband," Catherine said. "Especially with the hundreds of men who have been rumored to have shared her bed."

Amelia was about to responded when she heard her name being called by one of the King's grooms. She turned to see the young man hurrying towards her. "Forgive me, Lady Amelia," he said with a bow. "His Majesty requests that you come right away. It is an urgent matter."

"Shall I bring John as well?" Amelia asked the young man.

He shook his head. "His Majesty insisted that it would not be a good idea.

"I will be able to watch him for a short time," Catherine volunteered.

Amelia thanked her and bid good-bye to her friend and the children. The groom escorted her patiently back to the castle. Since Amelia was nearly seven months pregnant, she did not move with the same speed that the groom had come to fetch her with.

Henry stood at the window in his chambers, one of his hands covering his chin. He turned when the door opened and his daughter entered. She greeted him with a curtsey.

"I know who was behind the attacks against you and your family," Henry told her. He paused for a moment as Amelia processed what she had just been told. "George Boleyn admitted that his father had orchestrated both plots against you, and that there had been another plot in the works to poison you and your older sister."

Amelia stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to think or say. She crossed the room and sat down in one of the chairs at the table. "What is to happen to him?" she finally asked.

Henry sat down at the table across from her. "I was interested on hearing your thoughts on the matter," Henry told her.

He was testing Amelia. Henry badly wanted to add his daughters from his first marriage back into the line of succession, since he now believed that Elizabeth might not even be his daughter. Mary had yet to swear her allegiance to the King, but Amelia had. He wanted to see if his daughter could think like a Queen.

"He wanted to see both of my children dead, right?" she asked her father. He nodded. "Then maybe he should understand what it feels like. Have him watch his own children's deaths from the tower. Make him feel as helpless as I felt." Even though anger boiled up inside her, and a dangerous gleam flashed in her eyes, Amelia managed to remain calm and poised. "Give his daughter Mary's husband his son's title as Viscount Rochford and bring them back to court. Then, banish him instead. Let him live the rest of his days as far away from London as possible."

Henry sat back in his chair and smiled at his daughter. "I believe that that is an excellent idea," he told her.

"Thank you, father," Amelia replied. "May I ask you what is to happen to the Lady Elizabeth?" She remembered that her half-sister was only about John's age, and probably did not have a clue what was happening.

"She will no longer hold the title of Princess, since my marriage to Queen Anne is to be declared null and void," Henry told her. "Her household will be greatly reduced to compensate for her mother's expenses at the Tower. Beyond that, I am not sure."

"She is to become a bastard like me then," Amelia said, partly to herself and partly to her father. "If it pleases Your Majesty, I should like to take her to Westhorpe with me when I return in a few days. She is close to age in John, and there are not many children around for him to play with. Since I am pregnant, I cannot play many of the games that he would like to play, and since Charles will most likely remain here at court, I fear that John will get lonely quickly."

Henry pondered her statements. Placing Elizabeth in Amelia's care would certainly reduce the expense to him. "I'll allow you to take her," he stated. "I will not, however, provide any more for her expenses." He paused for a moment. "You shall also take your sister Mary with you. I will provide for her expenses granted you can convince her to agree to the Act of Supremecy."

Amelia nodded. "Thank you, father. I shall," she responded.

"They will be ready to go in three days' time," he said, rising from his seat. He offered his daughter his hand to help her to her feet. "I am anxious to hear news of your child. Please, do not stay away from court for long. You are sorely missed when you are gone."

She smiled at him and curtsied before bidding him farewell. Henry watched as his daughter left. There was no doubt in his mind that she would one day make an excellent ruler.

"Charles!" a woman's voice called out from behind him. He turned to see his wife standing near the opposite end of the hall. He stood there for a moment, expecting her to walk over. She simply stared back at him. The standoff lasted only a moment before he sighed and walked over to Amelia.

"Amelia," Charles greeted her with a kiss. "You look a little guilty."

"I may have asked my father if I could take care of my younger sister, the Lady Elizabeth, and he may have agreed and decided to send my older sister the Lady Mary with us back to Westhorpe," she said all in one breath. She paused to look up at her husband's face. "Please don't be angry with me. I was only trying to look out for my younger sister."

He looked down at her. "I am not angry," he whispered. "I am glad to see how deeply you care about your family. Lady Elizabeth and Lady Mary will always be welcome at Westhorpe. I'm sure John will be very excited."

"Thank you, Charles," she whispered back, stepping up on her toes to kiss him. "I did not want Elizabeth to be alone. She is so young, too young to understand what is happening to her. When I was her age, I didn't have a clue what was happening to me."

"You will make a fine role model for Elizabeth," Charles replied. "I'm sure Mary will be a good presence in the house as well, especially with the baby due any day now."

Charles gently placed one of his hands on Amelia's baby bump, and felt the baby kick in response. Both parents laughed. Their little family was growing.

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