Search for a New Queen II

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Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 30, Tudors | FanFiction

A/N: A History Lesson: The historical Edward Seymour had two wives. The first was Catherine Fillol, whom he married in 1527. They had two sons, John and Edward. Edward constantly questioned their paternity after Catherine had an affair, potentially with Edward's father Sir John Seymour. Catherine died, most likely in early 1535. Edward's second wife was Anne Stanhope, who he married in early 1535. They had ten children: Edward, Edward, Anne, Henry, Margaret, Jane, Catherine, Edward, Mary, and Elizabeth. Catherine married Francis Newdigate after Edward was executed.

15 March 1538


I am pleased to hear that your life since your arrival in England has gone well. My sister and I worried greatly about you. My husband Frederick and I are happily married, but alas, we have had a childless marriage so far. My sister is well as well. I believe that the Dowager Queen will work tirelessly for a good marriage for her. I hear talk of a Prince or a Duke, but not a King.


Her reply was short and simple, and Dorothea's own hand. She recognized the elegant curls of the letters that Dorothea had worked so hard to perfect. It felt as though a great burden had been lifted off Amelia's shoulder, one that she hadn't even noticed was there.

26 April 1538

The King's ulcer had reformed a week ago, but it had yet to burst. Charles had seen worse injuries, but something about this was deeply unsettling. Perhaps it was the catatonic state that the King seemed to be in. Charles could tell that the King was in great pain, and hadn't left his side since he had been laid down on the bed.

His entire family had been called to the court in an effort to better guard them. Mary and Amelia were beside themselves. Like many people at court, they were unsure as to what would happen if the King did not survive. The guards around them, which now included Sir Francis, had tripled, since all four potential heirs were living in the same space. Even though Elizabeth did not entirely comprehend what was going on around her, she understood that it was serious, and a somber expression had decorated her face.

Yet again, Edward was denied access to his nephew, even though they were now living under the same, gigantic roof.

He had heard rumors that the King had died, and wanted to dispel or prove them. He hadn't decided which he would prefer. Over time, Edward Seymour had learned to conceal his true passions. On one hand, he wanted the King to pass. Then, his nephew would most likely succeed him as King. As a child, there would need to be a council of nobles ruling in his stead, and Edward was sure to be named Lord Protector.

On the other hand, the timing didn't seem quite right. His nephew was perhaps too young to take over the throne.

"My Lord?" the Duke of Suffolk asked as he watched Edward enter the room, entranced by the number and variety of herbs and spices on the table.

"I must see the King," Edward demanded.

Charles raised an eyebrow. "Must?" he questioned.

"The King has lain ill for over a week," Edward said, with annoyance and a false sense of authority in his voice. "There has been no news about him, so there are rumors. Some say the King is dead." He finished with his voice in a whisper.

"That would suit you, wouldn't it? Since your nephew would be King," Charles stated.

"He is a child," Edward replied, as if he was stating something obvious. "That would be to no one's use. Not to mine, not to yours, and not to England's. With your permission, Your Grace, I would like the opportunity to disprove those rumors, or are you going to keep me from doing so just as your wife keeps me from seeing my own nephew?"

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