Civil Unrest III

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Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 21, Tudors | FanFiction

A/N: This note is to remind you of the ages of the characters, since there was recently a marriage and there is soon to be a birth. Amelia is 19, Mary is 20, and Elizabeth is 2 (almost 3). Charles is 52 and John is 2. King Henry is 45 and Jane Seymour is likely 28 (her exact birthday and birthyear is unknown and is estimated by the number of mourners at her funeral).

Also, I don't think that I've thanked you all for the reviews. I love all of you. Even if you don't review, I still love you for reading this far, and hopefully continuing to follow Amelia through her life.

22 June 1536

It was Charles who had suggested to Ambassador Chapuys visit Mary and convince her to sign the articles. Amelia welcomed the idea. She remembered how fondly Mary had spoken of the man, and how fondly he had spoken of Mary.

When Eustace arrived, Amelia greeted him with great happiness, but sadness quickly overtook the joy. Mary had not spoken to her since Sir Francis's visit, and had even refused to look her in the eye. "My sister hates me," she told Eustace. "Please, Your Excellency. She must swear the oath, but she will not listen to me. I made a Protestation Apart when I realized what I had done. Charles was my witness. Mary wouldn't listen to me tell her what I had done."

Eustace nodded. "I understand that the Lady Mary would not be pleased with anyone who has done something with which she disagrees," he responded. "Give me some time to speak with her and see what she is thinking about."

Amelia smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Your Excellency," she said. "I believe my sister is in the back study. I'll have Elizabeth and John show you where it is."

Elizabeth and John were excited to see a new person, and nodded eagerly when Amelia asked them to bring Eustace to Mary. Amelia decided that it perhaps would be best if she let Mary and Eustace speak in peace rather than be with them. Elizabeth and John were growing fast, and they were in desperate need of new clothes to wear. She was working on a green dress for Elizabeth, a dark emerald color that would offset the girl's fiery red hair.

She hoped that Eustace would convince Mary to sign the articles. Amelia would hate to lose her sister.

Mary felt awful inside. First, she had signed the articles. It felt as though she was signing her soul over to the devil, but the devil was her own father. Of course her mother's marriage to him had been legitimate, and she should be first in line for the throne until the king had a son. But she also felt awful because she had not listened to her younger sister, and dismissed her when she tried to explain.

She found Amelia fast asleep in a chair by the fire in her chambers, the dress she was working on for Elizabeth in one hand and her needle in the other. It was obvious that Amelia cared deeply about all of the people that were in her family, Mary could see now.

Mary gently shook her sister's shoulder. "Amelia?" she whispered. "Amelia, please wake up. This chair isn't very comfortable for sleeping."

Amelia smiled as she opened her eyes. "Hello, sister," she said, stretching out her arms. "You're right about that."

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you, Amelia," Mary apologized. "I'm not used to having people look out for my best interests. Ambassador Chapuys told me that you made a Protestation Apart, and I would very much like to make one myself. I hope you can forgive me."

Amelia nodded. "I understand. I never really knew what it was like to be cared for either, and I don't want anyone else to feel the same way if I can help it," she said. "I can ask Charles to help you with the Apart if you would like." Her expression changed from one of happiness to one of shock.

"What is it?" Mary asked, concern etching into her voice.

"Would you mind terribly fetching the midwife and sending word to my husband?" Amelia asked her. "I do believe that I am about to give birth."

Charles had been in the middle of a meeting (with the King, he might add) when the messenger burst into the room and informed him that his wife was going into labor. The herald had run in shortly after, his face red with embarrassment as apologizes streamed out of his mouth. The King simply raised his hand and dismissed them both, before giving Charles a nod and signaling for him to leave.

Charles rode quickly as the sun was beginning to set and dusk was settling in. He arrived in Westhorpe shortly before darkness completely engulfed the world. He was greeted by Mary, who embraced him.

"Is something wrong?" Charles asked her. His mind instantly went to the worst. Had the baby not survived? Had Amelia not survived?

Mary shook her head. "No, not at all," she responded. "Amelia just helped me see today that I take those who care for me for granted. I believe that you care for me, so I just wanted to thank you. Amelia has been in labor for hours, but the midwife believes that the baby is near. You came just in time."

Charles sighed with relief. "And John and Elizabeth are okay?" he questioned.

"They are getting ready for bed," Mary replied. "I have been reading to them all day."

One of the maids who had been brought by the midwife to assist suddenly appeared, a wide smile on her face. "Your Grace, you have returned just in time!" she exclaimed with a curtsy. "The Duchess is ready for you to meet your new babe."

The maids and the midwife bowed their heads respectively as Charles and Mary rushed into the room. Amelia sat in the middle of the bed, an exhausted expression on her face despite the smile that crossed it. The baby in her arms was no longer crying, having settled down while the maids were changing the sheets.

"Charles, Mary," Amelia whispered when she saw her husband and her sister.

In an instant, Charles was kneeling beside the bed, one of his hands reaching towards his child. The babe was so tiny, with a tuft of dark hair. A smile broke across Charles's face. After everything that had happened at court and the murder of their last child, it was refreshing to see something so tiny and innocent.

"It's a boy," Amelia whispered. "We have a second son. I don't think Elizabeth will be too happy."

Charles turned his head to look at his wife, a shocked expression on his face. It quickly gave way to laughter until he kissed Amelia deeply.

Mary smiled as she looked at her sister and her brother-in-law. At first, she had been bothered that Amelia had been married before her, and that the man she married was so much older. Of course, it could be worse. Her aunt Mary had been married to the former King of France, and the difference in age between those two had been much larger. But it was clear to Mary that Amelia and Charles genuinely loved and cared for each other, as a husband and wife should, but often didn't. She hoped that someday, she would find a love like that.

She signaled for the maids to follow her in leaving the room. Mary could meet her new nephew tomorrow morning. She took one last glance at the happy family before shutting the chamber door. Someday, she thought, that would be her.

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