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Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 36, Tudors | FanFiction

A/N: This chapter contains an edited version of a scene that I had made in my head that really sparked the idea for this whole story. Enjoy!

28 December 1540

"My Lords, the Duke of Clarence and Warwick and his wife, the Princess Mary," the herald announced.

Mary and Philip walked down the aisle arm and arm, wide smiles spread across both of their faces. It was clear to Henry that the two were very much in love, which suited him well. It would mean that Bavaria would be more interested in helping to defend the realm, now that their duke was part of it.

"Your Majesty," they said in unison, bowing deeply.

"My beautiful daughter, Mary," the King said, reaching his arms out to her and taking her hands in his own. "And my newest son, Philip. Say hello to the Queen."

Mary paused for a moment, and looked to her husband before simply saying "madam" in greeting to the Queen.

"Lady Mary, I am very glad to see you back at court, and with your new husband as well," Katherine responded.

"Thank you for our gifts," Mary said, turning her attention away from the girl and back to the King. "Your Majesty, as always, is more than generous." She shared a look with her husband.

"In return, there is something that we would like to tell Your Majesty," Philip said. "Something that we believe will only add to the joy of this occasion."

The King motioned for them to continue.

"Father, I am with child," Mary said, a smile flooding her face.

At first, the King thought that he had misheard her. His eyebrows shot up as his jaw dropped and he laughed, pulling his eldest daughter into a warm embrace. He was going to have more grandchildren, more potential heirs to the throne. The whole court erupted into cheers and applause behind Mary, everyone excited to hear the news from the one who some still believed was a true heir.

Katherine still stood in shock and disbelief. First, the Lady Mary had not treated her with kindness, or even a bit of respect. Then, she announced that she was pregnant. Pregnant! Katherine herself was still not with child, and Mary seemed to get pregnant rather quickly. How in the world was that fair? Mary was a bastard! She was the Queen! She slumped slightly in her seat as she took a gulp of wine.

"The Lady Amelia, Duchess of Suffolk, and family, the Lady Elizabeth, and Prince Edward," the herald cried out, bringing attention to the party that was slowly making its way down the aisle. Elizabeth and Edward led, followed by John, Owen, Eleanor, Jane, and Amelia, holding Nicholas in her arms. The King laughed at the sight of the mass of children that were slowly making their way towards him.

"Your Majesty," the voices all chorused, followed by some awkward bows.

"Amelia, my daughter," the King called, reaching out his arms once again.

Amelia stepped towards him, carefully navigating the children in front of her. "Hello father," she said quietly. "Madam," she added, addressing the Queen.

"This must be my youngest grandson," Henry said, looking down at the boy. "He is a most handsome boy." He paused, looking at the children. "Are my Elizabeth and Edward healthy and well-behaved?"

"Of course, Your Majesty," Amelia responded with a smile. "They are a credit to Your Majesty in every way, as my own children are a credit to their father."

Henry laughed, thinking back to Charles's wild days and how far he'd come. "We are all glad that you were able to join us tonight," he added, before allowing them to move into the crowd.

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