Search for a New Queen I

Start from the beginning

"Denmark, did you say?" Henry asked. His interest and curiosity was piqued.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Charles replied. "She is the younger surviving daughter of King Christian II, whose son the Lady Amelia was betrothed to for many years. She was only about twelve when the Lady Amelia returned to England."

"So my daughter and your wife may know more about the Duchess..." Henry said, his thoughts trailing off. "Hunting and playing cards? I like her already. Have our ambassador in the Netherlands find out more about her. In the meantime, I would quite like to speak with your wife, Your Grace, and learn what she knows."

1 March 1538

When Amelia arrived at court, the was dancing and feasting. It was more alive than it had been in a while, from what Amelia had heard. Her father quickly caught her eye, and beckoned her forward.

"Your Majesty," Amelia said, curtsying. "And Sir Francis, what a pleasant surprise."

"Duchess," Sir Francis replied with a bow of his head.

"Amelia, my own daughter. Tell me, how is your family?" the King asked, taking a sip of wine.

"We are all doing very well," Amelia responded with a smile on her face. "Elizabeth and John are excelling at French, Latin, and Spanish, so I've been teaching them a little bit of German as well, just to challenge them. Elizabeth has also just started to learn stitching as well. Owen is an active child who's still trying to figure out how to balance on his own two feet. And Eleanor and Edward are getting bigger every day. Edward is truly a credit to Your Majesty. He sleeps much more peacefully than even my own daughter does."

Henry laughed. "I love that little boy with all your heart."

"As do I, father," Amelia agreed.

"I called you hear to ask about Christina, the Duchess of Milan," Henry told her. "I believe you knew her as your betrothed's youngest sister."

Amelia's head tilted to one side. "You are considering a marriage between yourself and Christine?" Amelia asked. "The last I heard, she was marrying Francesco II Sforza, the Duke of Milan. How long has she been widowed?"

"Since she was thirteen," said Henry.

Amelia allowed herself to take in the information. Out of the two sisters that Hans had had, Christine had been the one she was closer to. Now, the King was considering making her Amelia's step-mother.

"In Denmark, I knew her as Christine," Amelia began. "She was a wonderful girl, intelligent and kind, with the best tutors that could be afforded. Even when she was in exile, her spirit never broke. She was a true Scandinavian girl with iron in her soul."

The King was silent for a moment, and was about to speak when Cromwell approached. "Majety," the man greeted.

"Cromwell," the King returned.

"I have just received a letter from Sir John Hutton, the Ambassador in Brussels," Cromwell said. "He's been making enquiries on your Majesty's behalf about the Duchess of Milan, the Emperor's niece."

The King was suddenly very interested in the letter Cromwell had in his hand. "What does he say?" he asked eagerly.

"He writes 'There is none in these parts for beauty of person and birth to compare with the Duchess. She is not so pure white as the last Queen, and God pardon, but when she smiles, there appear two dimples in her cheeks and one in her chin, which become her very well,'" Cromwell read. He paused, his eyes briefly moving from the King to the letter.

"Has he mentioned any other ladies?" Henry asked, recognizing the action as one that meant there was more.

"Only a sister of the Duke of Cleves. Anne," Cromwell responded. "He writes-"

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