Charles took a small step back and his eyes dropped to her stomach. "Really?" he asked, as though he almost didn't believe her.

She only nodded her head in response, and Charles could only embrace her tightly in response, praying to God that no one would try and harm his wife, son, or unborn child any more.

"Would you like to return to Westhorpe?" Charles asked.

Amelia shook her head. "Whomever attacked me was scared of something and wanted me to feel more terrified than them. I don't want to be scared, Charles. I want to be strong so they are scared."

8 January 1536

The day following Catherine's death, Henry and Anne held a banquet. There was dancing and feasting and general merriment. Both the King and Queen wore yellow, as did Elizabeth, who was present at court for the first time since she had been a baby.

"John!" Charles had called when he saw the man.

Sir John bowed. "Your Grace," he greeted.

"I would like to introduce you to my wife, Amelia," Charles said. "Amelia, this is Sir John. The King and I stayed with him a few months ago on a hunting trip."

"I remember that trip," Amelia responded. "Charles says my father was quite taken by your daughter's beauty. I do hope she comes to court."

"Thank you, Lady Amelia," Sir John responded, bowing low. "I shall pass on the compliment."

Sir John and Charles continued to talk about politics, and Amelia excused herself from the conversation. She had seen George's wife Jane wandering by herself and decided to talk to her.

"Good afternoon, Lady Jane," she said cheerily. "How are you?"

"Dreadful," Jane replied. "I believe that my husband does not love me, and forsakes my bed for another."

"I am sorry to hear that," Amelia responded, and she truly was. She couldn't imagine Charles abandoning her for another woman, and never wanted to.

The two women continued to talk about familiar things, including Amelia's pregnancy. Jane was truly happy for the girl.

"Amelia!" a voice called. She turned to see her father, holding both Elizabeth and John. She had let John play with the other children, knowing that he was safe under the watchful eye of the Lady Bryant. Amelia had heard rumors of Lady Bryant's son, and it was clear that no one would want to mess with her.

Amelia bid Jane farewell and hurried to the other side of the banquet wall. "Father," she greeted, bowing her head.

"Elizabeth, this is your sister, the Lady Amelia," Henry said to his youngest daughter. "And John is her son."

Amelia laughed. "And John is soon to have a younger sibling," she replied, taking him from her father.

"I bet that Charles is pleased," Henry responded with a smile on his face.

She nodded. "I believe that he is, father," she said. "And John is very happy as well!"

They both put their children down to go play with the others under Lady Bryant's watchful eye. Amelia was pleased to see the John and Elizabeth got along well. A stray thought about her and Mary playing as children entered her head, but she was quick to dismiss it. Mary didn't remember her. She hadn't even bothered to respond to Amelia's letter.

"So are you to return to Suffolk then?" the King asked as he offered his daughter his arm.

She took it and began to walk alongside her father. "I do not think so," she responded. "Westhorpe may be my home, but I think that for now, my place is here, showing the world that I am not afraid."

"That is bold," Henry responded. "I think you would have made an excellent queen."

"Perhaps I would have," Amelia replied. "But for now, I am the Duchess of Suffolk, and I am happy with that."

And she was. She had her husband, her son, and a child soon to be born. Nothing could be better.

"Yes, father," Anne said, with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"I have heard some reports that alarm me," he stated, walking quickly to catch up with the Queen.

"What reports?" She asked.

"It seems you have quarreled with Mr. Cromwell," he responded.

She paused for a brief moment, choosing her words carefully. "We disagreed on an important and public issue," she said.

"Anne, I did not bring you up to have opinions or to express them or to quarrel with those closest to the Crown," Thomas responded, a hint of anger in his voice. He was used to being in control, and liked when he was. But right now, he could not control his daughter.

"But I am closest to the Crown!" she responded with annoyance. "I am the King's wife!"

"And you should remember how you got there!" Thomas said angrily, grabbing his daughter and forcing her to stop and look at him.

She pulled herself out of his grasp and turned to face him squarely. "I know how I got there," she told him, the annoyance in her voice replaced with anger. "It was not all you. It was not all you, or Norfolk, or George, or any other man you want to name! It was also me." Her voice got quieter. "He fell in love with me. He respected me, and my opinions."

With a nod, Anne turned to walk away from her father, who stood slightly dumbfounded behind her. A smile broke out on her face and she began to laugh as if she had gone insane. She turned back to her father and continued to laugh.

"What is it?" he asked impatiently.

"You have no need to worry," she said with a smile on her face. "There is good news all around! Catherine is dead, and I..." She took a few steps close to her father. "I am pregnant. Do you understand? I am carrying the King's son."

A wide smile broke out across Thomas's face and he began to laugh with joy. Anne was truly Queen and carrying the future King of England. He could not be more satisfied.

"We are on the edge of a golden world!" Anne called at the top of her lungs as she backed away from her father, spinning around and around in joy as people bowed down around her. There was nothing that could stop her now.

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