The Dance Of The Pureblood

Start from the beginning

"I don't think you know who you are dealing with, girl." He says looking at me in a sickly way. I can't explain a look that's never been directed at me in that way. I feel tears threatening to slip out. The pain is awful. This is just torture.

His fangs extend as he eyes my neck slowly. Savoring with his eyes the look of my veins. The blood that is beyond the barrier that we call skin and muscle.

He opens his mouth wide as he nears my neck. I close my eyes at the feeling of his breath near my neck. I snap my eyes open at the sound of a gag, crack, and the scent of blood.

"This is my prey, Rido Kuran." Shizuka says darkly to him. I cast my eyes, and stare stunned at the blade that had been penetrated through Rido's mouth to come out of the back of his head. Most likely severing his spinal cord and brain.

The blood liquefies, and runs down my clothes and exposed skin. "You have no idea how I've longed to kill you. The same way you killed Him." Shizuka says, and I can see honest sorrow in her eyes. This woman didn't want to be evil or go mad. She was just pushed over the edge to become that way.

I pity her, but she's caused too much damage. She's killed Zero and Ichiru's family, she's torn them apart, and she's threatened the lives of my family, who thankfully is alive and well.

Rido's grip on my hair is gone, and I close my eyes the moment he becomes dust. I drop to the ground. I rub my aching scalp as I look back over at Shizuka, who has tears streaming down her eyes. She looks somewhat satisfied, but it seems it isn't enough for her. She still wants more, and I guess that's where I come in. Her eyes finally meet mine as she smirks darkly at me.

"That's one problem settled." She says, and points the blood stained sword at me. I feel a weight in my left pocket.

"Blue Rose!" I recall the only weapon I hadn't pulled out yet. She can't kill, but she can buy me time. I move my hand as Shizuka glares at me.

"I'm going to take your body. I'm not going to remain in this weak and sickly body. She's so shameful. I don't even know how she was born a vampire." Shizuka says rudely to the apparent willing host.

"And I'm not going to let you take my body. I won't let you remain in that weak and sickly body either!"

I flip over to rest on my right side as I pull out Blue Rose. I successfully hit her, and rise from the ground. I move my hand around the wind, and ask it to bring Black Rose to me. The wind does so, and I look at her. Pointing the weapon at her.

"Get out of Maria's body." I tell her. Shizuka laughs.

"As if I'd ever listen to you." She says, and I nod my head. A bright idea fill my mind. Hopefully it will work.

"Maybe not you, Shizuka Hio. Lets see." I focus, and look directly at Maria, and not at Shizuka. "Maria Kurenai, I order you to expel Shizuka Hio from your mind." I tell her with a feeling of superiority I didn't know I could conjure up.

"Did you really think that wo-" Shizuka gasps, and puts trembling hands to her head.

"NOW, MARIA! EXPEL SHIZUKA!" I order her, and I move the wind about to make my point. She drops to her knees, and screams. She faints as I see pink aura floating above. I point Black Rose at it, and shoot.

It actually hits it making a tiny explosion. I wince and drop my weapons as my wrist burns. I turn my hand over, and find the blossom slowly burning away.

"I did it." I smile as the mark fully burns off. The adrenaline in my body finally wears off, and I finally collapse. I am caught before I strike the ground though.

"Are you alright?!" I look over at Ichiru, who looks beaten up, but nothing to worry about. I smile weakly.

"I'm okay." I tell him. He sighs in relief, and helps me up again. He holds on to me until I'm strong enough to hold myself up.

"N-no." I jump at Maria's voice. I look over to find her still trying to stand.

"I-I won't. . .disappear. Not yet." I curse as I realize that Shizuka is still here. Looks like Maria couldn't fully get rid of her.

"She's drank Shizuka's blood. Part of Shizuka will always remain in her and. . .in me." He says. I look over at him stunned.

"Y-you drank her blood?!" I question him fearfully. He smiles regretfully.

"Yes, that's how she made my weak and sickly body strong enough to survive without medication." He explains to me.

"And you're human?" He nods his head. I look back over at Shizuka still fighting for control of Maria. I have no strength to fight her anymore.

I move Blue Rose in my hand, and shoot Ichiru.

"Alondra?! What are you doing?!" Ichiru questions as a blue barrier surrounds him. I get on my knees slowly.

"To protect you." I tell him out of breath. I see black spots in my vision, but I can't pass out yet. I look over to find Shizuka using Maria's body to limp towards me. Using the sword as a support.

"Stop it, Shizuka! Don't hurt her!" Ichiru yells out trying to break free from the barrier, but it's impossible to escape Blue Rose's barrier. It can only shatter once I lock her safety.

"Shizuka!" He calls out to her again, but she refuses to listen to him. "Alondra! Break this barrier!" He says now trying it with me. I smile, and shake my head.

"No. I failed this fight, so y-you should stay safe." I tell him, and he shakes his head.

"Break the barrier!" He insists. I turn away from him, and look back at Shizuka still making her way towards me.

"You think you're so special just because you have their attention?! Don't make me laugh! I'm going to kill you! I don't care about your body anymore!" She screams out with every ounce of hatred in her, for me. I start seeing double.

"I'm going to kill you!" It sounds like it's coming from a tunnel. I see only blurs, but those blurs manage to knock down Maria. I hear screams. It's probably Shizuka. What were those blurs? Were they me? I don't know. I don't. . .

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