Chapter 19: Forgotten Memories Revived

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Chapter 19: Forgotten Memories Revived

"You want us to do what?" Dimitri rubbed his eyes and stared at Arthur, who was pacing back and forth, arms folded.

"I want you to awaken some past memories of mine," Arthur said. He stopped moving and lifted his hands, "The brain is a really complex computer, technically. In theory, even if the memory is really old, couldn't it be called out?"

"I hate the word theory," Dimitri shook his head.

"It's possible," Lukas said, stepping forward, "We might be able to find some kind of spell. How old is this memory?"

Arthur hesitated and looked down, "I don't know,"

"You mean you can't remember?" Dimitri joked, walking over to the bookshelf and pulling something down, "Well, in any case, if a spell to awaken memories does exist, it's probably really intense. You're talking about manipulating the human mind. That could take a serious toll on you," he looked at Arthur in concern, "Are you sure you want to remember?"

Arthur nodded slowly, "I'm sure,"

Dimitri shrugged and Lukas stepped up next to him, "We should start looking then," he pulled down Arthur's spell book and handed it to him, "Look through that for something that might help us, alright?"

Arthur nodded and sat down on the couch.

By the time the sun started to rise outside, books were stacked everywhere, their pages sending an old, timely smell around the room. Arthur rubbed his eyes and turned the page of the book, reading carefully over the beautifully written Latin words and mouthing it to himself. He flipped the page again and growled, covering his face.

The three had been searching throughout the night, searching in vain for something that Arthur was now convinced didn't even exist.

"This is hopeless," he groaned, turning the page again.

"Don't give up hope," Lukas said.

"Shouldn't you have been home, like, hours ago?" Dimitri asked, looking at the clock on the wall.

"I don't care," Arthur muttered, "This is more important to me right now,"

"I found something," Lukas said, standing up, "But it looks risky,"

"How so?" Arthur jumped to his feet and hurried to stand beside Lukas, who handed him the book.


The Spell of Remembrance

When the caster speaks the words below, the victim will remember his life in flashes like a movie, from the moment the spell is spoken back to the first moment of the victim's life. Must repeat for the spell to continue to work.

Arthur looked up, "How is it risky?"

"Do you not understand it?" Lukas pointed, "There's no shortcuts. I can't bounce you to the memory you want. You'll relive your entire life,"

Arthur's eyes widened, "E-everything?" he choked out.

Lukas nodded and Arthur looked down at the spell. He tightened his grip and nodded, "Do it," he said, "I don't care what it takes......I need to remember,"

Lukas nodded again and looked at Dimitri, "Magic circle," he said simply, pointing to the ground, "We need our blood for this,"

Dimitri grabbed a candle and stepped over to the magic circle, then dripped wax into the middle. Lukas took out a knife and cut his finger, then held it out, letting the drops fall to mix with the hot wax. Dimitri did the same, as did Arthur, who stood reluctantly in the middle before looking up at Lukas and Dimitri.

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