Chapter 8: Soccer, Rivalry, and Finding a Job

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Chapter 8: Soccer, Rivalry, and Finding a Job

Arthur glared over at Alfred, who was standing with one foot on a soccer ball.

"Quit stalling and kick the ball!" Arthur screamed finally.

"Comin'!" Alfred screamed, jumping back and ramming his foot at the ball.

It shot at Arthur, who stopped it with his shin and kicked it past Alfred and into the goal.

Alfred stared open mouthed at the ball as it rolled back to him.

"You totally cheated! I don't know how but you totally cheated!" Alfred yelled, pointing a shaking finger at Arthur, who scoffed.

"Calm down, that was me going easy on you," he grinned and narrowed his eyes, "Wait till ya see my bicycle kick,"

Alfred sweat a little, "Your what?"

~About an Hour Later~

Alfred lifted his face from the ground and spit out grass, "Damn, I lost,"

Arthur was hitting the ball into the air with his knee, "I warned you, didn't I?" he hit the ball up and started bouncing it off his head, "I grew up in the birthplace of Futball. I know all the secrets,"

"You're scary when you play," Alfred stood up and brushed grass from his shorts and shirt, "Like seriously. I'm gonna be tasting dirt for weeks,"

Arthur laughed and caught the ball, "Sorry," he chuckled, "I get really into it,"

"Yea no shit,"

They sat down on a table out back of the school where they had been playing and Alfred starting picking shards of grass from his hair and teeth.

"Do you know where I can get a job?" Arthur asked nervously, messing with the ball.

"A job?" Alfred asked, "Dunno. I only ever take summer jobs so I have more time for school and sports," he looked over at Arthur, "Why do you wanna get a job?"

Arthur hesitated, "I wanna help out with the bills and stuff,"

"What?" Alfred raised an eyebrow, "That doesn't concern you though. You should be focused on school and getting good grades,"

"I'm a straight A student, Alfred, I have school covered already," Arthur said proudly, "It's just," he leaned back and looked up, "My sister and my brother's all work all hours at part or full time jobs and they have college to worry about. They always look so exhausted," he bit his lip, "I wanna help somehow,"

Alfred laughed, "You're way too nice,"

"Am not," Arthur held the soccer ball up and Alfred slunk down.

"In most ways. Anyway, I don't know where you could get a job. I could help you look this weekend if you like,"

"Yea, thanks," Arthur smiled. He held the ball up, "Wanna play again?"

"Fuck yes!"


Arthur plucked the guitar strings and stared at the opposite wall in the music room. Antonio and Roderich were preoccupied, trying to get Gilbert to give the broom back, so he was sitting alone near the front, thinking of the last song he had played on the guitar.

He glanced around and held his breath as he started playing it. Instead of feeling pain, he found himself smiling, and laughing a bit from the memory of when he first learned it.

His mother had been pointing to the strings for him to pick, and Alistor had walked in. He had seen Arthur and decided to mess with him, so he had snuck up to him. Right then, however, Arthur was pulling the guitar above his head, happy he'd gotten the right notes, and had smacked Alistor in the face.

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