Chapter 5: The Underground Black Magic Club

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Chapter 5: The Underground Black Magic Club

Arthur stared at the clock on his wall, urging the hand to move just a bit faster. He knew Ashling, Carson, and Oliver were sleeping already. They were all probably exhausted. All Arthur had to do know was wait.

Just as the hand ticked up and hit the twelve, Arthur hopped out of bed. He was dressed completely in black. He pulled on his sneakers and grabbed his bag. He opened his bedroom door and tip toed out of his room, shutting the door as quietly as he could manage.

He walked quickly down the stairs and slid over to the door. He opened it and slipped outside, closing it and locking it, making sure he had a spare key.

Arthur ran down the sidewalk till he was a ways away from his house, then he gasped for breath and leaned on his knees. He stood up straight and started walking again. His eyes went to the sky, and he couldn’t help a small smile from appearing.

The sky was coal black, with twinkling stars everywhere, like a painted canvas. He could even hear an owl in the distance, calling to tell everyone he was about to go hunting.

Arthur turned and walked into the school grounds. He hesitated for a moment, then walked up to the door. He grasped the handle, then scoffed.

“As if the door would be open at 12 at-,”

Before he could finish, the door creaked inward. Arthur jumped, holding back a scream. The door wasn’t even supposed to open inward. Creepy much?

He tip toed inside, and the door closed. His face turned white.

“This was a bad idea, wasn’t it?”

A small timid light attracted his attention, and he turned. The same sky blue fairy he had seen the first day was floating there. She smiled as her eyes locked with Arthur’s, then she turned and flew down a hallway, stopping halfway and turning to Arthur.


The fairy smiled and started flying again. Arthur hurried after her, making sure not to make too much noise as his shoes came into contact with the floor. He could tell he was in the abandoned wing of the school when the old musty scent entered his nose.

The fairy stopped and pointed at a door at the very end of the hall. It seemed to be bathed in darkness, yet there was a light, kind aura around it.

Arthur walked forward, the fairy following slowly. He stopped at the door and looked at it, making out the numbers carved into an old brass plaque. 667.

Arthur looked at the door a liitle ways away, and was immediately confused. 665. Where was room 666?

He scoffed again, “Oh boy, don’t tell me the school didn’t make a room 666 because of superstitions?”

“Actually there is a room 666,”

This time Arthur couldn’t help but yelp as he spun around to face Lukas.

“It’s hidden though, because of the superstitions flying around when the school was built. As far as this school knows there’s only 699 classrooms,”

“Th-that in itself is a lot, right?” Arthur asked.

Lukas looked Arthur in the eye, “So you came?”

“Yes,” Arthur ran a hand through his hair nervously, “Well, I mean, I couldn’t help being curious,”

Lukas walked forward, motioning for Arthur to follow. He did so.

Lukas opened the door to room 667 and both boys walked inside.

Arthur coughed from all the dust and waved his hand in front of his face, “Bloody hell! This is where your club is?!”

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