Chapter 6: Closer

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Chapter 6: Closer

Alfred glared at the clock on his dresser. 11:30 on a Saturday. What the hell was he gonna do today? He’d already slept in, but what else was there to do.

He got out of bed and shuffled out of the room and into the bathroom. He took a shower, making sure to wash his hair till it was super hero clean, along with the rest of his body. When he was sure he was clean he stepped out of the shower and dried off, all the while humming the national anthem.

He pulled on black jeans and a shirt with the American flag printed on it. He ruffled his hair and grabbed a toothbrush. He ran around his room, his toothbrush in his mouth, looking for a shoe.

“Brother, what are you doing?” Matthew asked from the doorway.

Alfred looked at him just as some foamy tooth paste slid down his chin, “M ookin fer ma shoe,” he managed to say.

He held his sneaker up in victory, “Hah!”

“Uh, well, I’m going out today,”

Alfred looked at Matthew, eyes wide and brushing his teeth, “Seriously? You don’t wanna hang out with me today?”

Matthew waved his hands in the air, “No! That’s not it! It’s just, Francis was gonna help me with my research report,”

“Oh, okay then,” Alfred narrowed his eyes, “Don’t get too close to that guy though, alright?”

“Uh, um, sure. Bye then,”

Alfred watched Matthew leave and walked back into the bathroom to wash his mouth out. He wiped his mouth on a spare towel and skipped down stairs.

His step mom was in the kitchen, humming.


“Good morning Alfred. Have a good sleep,”

“Yea but now I’m bored and don’t know what to do,”

“Hm,” Alfred’s step mom stood back, thinking, “You should go hang out with a friend today. How about the Kirkland boy? You said you were getting to be good friends, right?”

“Oh yea! And he lives a few houses away too! Awesome! Thanks mom!”

“Don’t forget your wallet sweetie!”

“Oh yea!” Alfred ran back up the stairs and grabbed his wallet, then slid down the banister and bolted out of the house.

He skipped down the sidewalk until he reached the two story house where Arthur lived. He whistled as he walked up to the door and knocked.

A young man with rusty red hair and blue-green eyes opened the door.

“Aye? Can I help ya?”

“Sup! I’m Alfred Jones, a friend of Arthur’s. He home?”

“Friend?” the man seemed shocked, “Come in, I guess,”

Alfred walked into the house and was met with an incredibly earthy smell. Different scents of herbs and flowers filled his nose and he choked, “Ugh, what is that?” he covered his mouth and nose.

The man put his hands on his hips, “Tea, my mother’s recipe,”

“Oh……sorry,” Alfred dropped his hand, remembering what Arthur had said. She’s died.

“So, um, Arthur?”

“Upstairs. He locked his room though,” the man said.

“Okay, thanks,” Alfred gave the man a crooked grin and walked up stairs. He stopped at one door and tried to open it but it was locked.

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