Chapter 4: Worried As Fuck!

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Chapter 4: Worried As Fuck!

Alfred stared at his homework, frowning. His mind was on Arthur, and how weak he had looked when the rain had started to fall. He looked like he was somewhere completely different. A bad place.

Alfred sighed and closed his books, leaning back on his arms. He grabbed a ball of dirty socks and threw them into his laundry basket, contemplating weather he should play Halo or not.

“Alfred! Dinner!” Alfred’s step mom’s voice called up.

“Coming!” Alfred called back, realizing just how hungry he was.

He jumped up and ran out of his room, sliding down the railing of the stairs and skidding on his socks into the kitchen, where Matthew and his father were already seated. His father looked worried.

“Something wrong?” Alfred asked, taking a seat beside Matthew just as his step mom walked out of the kitchen, carrying a pan.

“Well, something odd happened at work today is all,” his father said, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

“Odd how?” Alfred’s step mom asked, sitting on the other side of her husband.

Alfred’s father was the co-president of an International Affairs agency. It wasn’t as fancy as it sounded. It dealt with new immigrants entering the country in order to study. That included the people at World Academy.

“One of the new workers left early from a family emergency. A little later his sister called to apologize because he wouldn’t be coming back today,” Alfred’s father explained.

“What was the emergency?” Alfred’s step mom asked.

“Something about his little brother having a panic attack,” Alfred’s dad looked over at him, “You may know him? Arthur Kirkland?”

Alfred spit out the full mouth of water he had, all over Matthew, who gaped at him in shock.

“Oh shit! Sorry Mattie!” Alfred said, patting his brother’s face dry with a napkin and talking, “I know him,” he said, “I’m in a bunch of classes with him, and he lives like three houses away,”

“Does he?” Alfred’s father smiled, “Well, perhaps you’ll become good friends?”

“Not likely,” Alfred frowned and sat back in his chair, “Arthur’s kind of…..withdrawn from everybody,”

“Well, after going through something like that, I’d expect him to be a bit wary,” Alfred’s father nodded.

“Wait, going through what?” Alfred raised an eyebrow, “and how would you know?”

Alfred’s father looked insulted, “Oh please, I’m the co-president of International Affairs. They’re from England, so I’d know these things. Plus, his brother told me,” he looked away, “though he did so reluctantly,”

“What?! What is it?!” Alfred leaned on the table. His father looked at him.

“Good god, son, you expect me to betray my underlings trust? It’s confidential. If you want to know so badly, ask Arthur yourself,”

“He won’t tell me,” Alfred slumped his shoulders, “He barely talks to me,”

“Well, in a situation like this, there’s only one thing to do,” Alfred’s step mom winked, “Be so annoying he can’t ignore you,”

Alfred smiled, “You rock, mom,”


Arthur stayed home the next day, huddled under his covers like a scared rabbit hiding from a hunter. He drifted in and out of consciousness, each time having a dark nightmare that shook him awake.

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