EnderDaPotato Interview

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To start off, what is your name or nickname?

I go by Ender, most oftenly. Occasionally by other names, but I dont remember them right now

When did you first begin an interest in writing?

Hm.. I think it was back in 6th grade, when i used to enjoy to read something my friend wrote for a fandom (i would rather not give away the fandom, as its sorta embarrassing xD) and I think thought, "hey, maybe I should try this stuff!" So then i started to write!

What was your favorite book to write, and why?

I have to say, serious writing wise of course, "Five Nights at Team Crafted's: New Beginnings" as the events were fun to plan out and I enjoyed getting feed back from my favourite fanfiction author, Ninja. It was really fun to write! I remember id write down the book first into a note book i had since I had the most ideas and writing inspiration during school, then I typed it out at home. My friend that inspired me to write helped me out a lot with that book :D

What are your favorite book/s?

I usually read on AO3 now, and theres a lot of fanfiction I like there, such as one called Lunation and Run, both of the Osomatsu San fandom, which are my two favourite books relating to fanfiction. But with published books, I have to say a book called Ready Player One, a book a friend read me.

What are your favorite author/s?

Hmm. I like Jennifer Nielson, she wrote a trilogy i really like, called The False Prince Trilogy. I cant really think of many authors I like, even though I read a lot of books, haha

What are your favorite Minecraft mobs, characters, etr.

Recently i havent played Minecraft like in, eh, 3 plus months? but i guess i like the Enderman and the Skeleton.

What is your favorite video game?

My favourite video game has to be either Until Dawn, or The Last of Us. However, theres a game called Omori that looks interesting that my datemate showed me and I wanna play it when it comes out

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Oooo, I really like cookie dough, and if im lucky enough to get it, then Ill get rainbow sherbert- thats my true favourite, but I really love cookie dough as well. Im lactose intolerant so i cant have much of cookie dough, though ;;

What would you say to people who feel inspired by you?

I would probably say that im not the person you'd probably want to be inspired by haha, but for real, keep trying and practicing and doing what you wanna do, and never let other people get you down for too long. Youre perfect the way you are, and dont change unless you feel you want/need to. 

Any shoutouts?

Hmm, theyre no longer on wattpad, but the previously known as theshadowmaster456, who im in a QPR with- i love them very much, and back with ninjanekoaru for being an awesome friend as well :^)

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