Gracie9669 Interview

44 5 3

For the first question, what is your name? Can be a nickname


Ok! Now, when did you begin an interest in writing?

7th grade

Third question: What do you think is your most successful book and why?

Herobrine's daughter. It's got the most reads. And after I completed it was when I really started getting popular.

Next question: On a ten point scale, 1 being the lowest, ten being the highest, how much do you love writing?


Next question!: What's your favorite book/s?Wattpad: sun showersIrl: hunger gamesOkay! Next question: Who are your favorite authors?The authors of the above books ^ (depending on which you are asking me)Next question: What's your favorite ice cream flavor?


Here's the eighth question: Do you have anything to say to people who are inspired by you?Never give up. Do what you want, put the time in and it will pay off. Any shoutouts?My sister jaxynawesome Ok, anything else you'd like to say before this interview ends?Live life to the fullest



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