NinjaNekoAru Interview

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To start off, what's your name or name you preferred to be called?

I prefer to be called Ninja, but I don't mind nick names or other shortened versions of my username. My real name has probably slipped somewhere but I try not to have people use it.

When did you begin an interest in art/writing?

I've been drawing ever since I could pick up a crayon, and i've always wanted to write, but I didn't really start writing until 4th or 5th grade. I got into Invader Zim and the Warrior Cats series and just had all these fan fiction ideas. I was god awful at writing at the time, but I didn't write to impress others, I wrote because I wanted to get my ideas down. In doing that, I improved quite a lot.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Hmm I'm not a huge ice cream fan, but there is this chocolate raspberry flavor at Leopold's in Savannah GA that I just cannot get enough of. I love it sooooo much.

On a scale of one to ten, 1 being lowest 10 being highest, what would you give art?

What would I give art? Art in general? 10, because Art is probably one of the most important things in human culture even if people don't realize it. It's literally everything and everywhere. The design of the shirt you wear, the design of that ad you saw yesterday or the building you live in. The shows we watch are the art of acting and of course our beautiful drawings no forgetting that. Art is very influential and important and it deserves a 10/10. 

What are your favorite books?

I just got done reading the Welcome to Night Vale novel which was awesome and a really great read even if you are not familiar with the podcast. My favorite book series of all time though right now is probably Barry Lyga's I Hunt Killers series. There are three books and it's about the son of a serial killer who is trying to prove to the world that he isn't going to become a killer like his dad. Other favorite books would probably be The Guardians series (Willam Joyce) and going back to middle school days, The Warriors Cats series. The Little Prince is also really good, having just gone over that in french class.

What are your favorite authors?

I just recently finished reading all the WTNV stuff written by Shadow_Side on Archive of Our Own, i'm guessing around if not over 400,000 words in all, and their work is probably my all time favorite from any fanfic author. I love their style and the repetition and their OCs are even amazing. Of course I do really like the work of Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor right now, Barry Lyga has not only the I hunt Killers series but their book Hero Type was some goood stuff. Uhh, I can't really think of many others right now.

If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would you change?

Id go back to my freshmen year of highschool and be the one kid in a class half full of anime nerds who can actually answer when the teacher asks who Miyazaki is. We did little books full of things we liked and she showed us an example and she didn't know him and I knew him but wasn't 100% and I know if I said "creator of Ponyo and Totoro" there'd be kids in that room who'd be like"ooh!". The biggest waste of time travel but that teacher hated anime and it bothered me for weeks that I didn't answer cuz Miyazaki is amazing and deserves to be known. 

Out of all the books you've written, which is your favorite?

Probably Little Tooth. I feel more attached to the plot and the combination of characters and I feel proud of it because I don't often see other stories like it. It's also like EnderOni in a way becouse it took me over a year to finish and at certain points I didn't actually think I would finish it.

What would you say to people who feel inspired by you?

To anyone, really, I would like to say that no matter what, you are so much better then you think you are, and you can draw or write so much better then you think you can! Never be afraid of trying new things and please, never give up on your passions! Every artist you see has so many bad sketches they never post, so don't feel bad when all you seem to be able to come up with at this moment isn't up to your level. You can do it!

Any shoutouts?

Hmmmm Shoutout to EnderDaPotato because they're a hella awesome friend!

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