Chapter 16

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I tired to keep my distance from seeing Ryder, Mason, or Colton.

Ryder, because of what happened this morning. Yes we have all our classes together, but I would sit in the very back, while he either sat in the middle, up front, or didn't even show up.

Mason, because if I could somehow follow him around, maybe I can hear him say something about who else likes me. I really want to know.

And Colton because he's most likely around Beth. And I don't want to see or look at Beth. She's made me mad here in the past few days, and even this morning, so I don't even want to talk to her.

I put my book into my locker since my last class is Gym. I grabbed my gym bag, and made my way down to the lower gym.

Still no sign of the four. But when I opened the door I did see Jayden standing there with I'm guessing one of her friends. I went to the closet wall, and hid behind it.

"Is Mason going to help you?" Asked the other girl.

"Nope. He says just because Ryder has moved on. Well with Casey. But Casey isn't even pretty. She annoying, and a wanna be. Why does Ryder even like her?"

"Maybe because she's not a judgmental person like you." Yes! Go girl I don't know! I'm instantly rooting for her now.

"Becca, go away. You're no help." Jayden walked back to the doors then left, leaving that girl, Becca standing there.

I came out from around the wall.

"Hey Becca?" I called out to her since she stared walking down the stairs.

"Um do I know you?" She looked confused.

"I'm Casey." I answered.

"Ryder's girl?"

"Yeah, that's me. But are you friends with her? You know Jayden?" We started walking back down the stairs, heading to the locker room.

"Sorta. I'm just here so she can spill drama to me, then I can tell everyone in Geek club what's going on."

"You don't look like a geek." I pointed out.

"Right now I don't, but when I go to our club meetings, I do. I have these big black rimmed glasses, and I'm a computer nerd. I love working with technology. I've made my own computer game, and I'm the one who designed the new schools webpage. I made it to where it's easier to find things."

"Oh that's cool." I honestly don't know how to answer because I'm not into that type of stuff.

"So Casey..." She began, "I have this guy I really want to go to the winter dance with. Could you help me?" Why is she asking me for help? She doesn't even know me. Or maybe she wants to know me. She said she's a geek person, so maybe she doesn't have many friends. And maybe she just wants friends.

"Um yeah, who is this guy?"

"His name is. Well you see. Um. He's."

"You can tell me." I promised myself in my mind I won't make fun of who it is. Wait, what is I don't even know them?

"His name is Mason. Mason Grimes."

"Ryder's best friend?" I'm kinda shocked she'd want to go on a date with him. Why not one of her friends who also likes computers? I'm not saying Mason is out of her league, it's just. Why him.

"Yeah. You know. I knew this was a bad idea." She walked quickly out of the locker room and into the gym. I ran after her.

"No, no, no, Becca. I find it cute. I'll talk to him. I promise." She turned around to look at me and her face lit up with joy.

"You really mean it? You'll help me?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I'll help you."

I don't know how much of a good idea this is. But hey, when I talk to Mason, maybe he will tell me who else likes me. And also this could be a good change for him. He does get good grades. And I'm sure Becca does too. This could be a good thing.


"Mason!" I sang through my phone to him.


"That's my name, don't wear it out." I heard him chuckle.

"What do you want before I come over there and crack another egg on your head."

"You wouldn't dare." He laughed.

"Oh but yes I would. If I could see your face when I do, that would be great."

We were both silent for a minute.

"Can we go out for ice cream? I need to talk to you." Mason said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, sure. Where we meeting at?"

"I was actually going to see if I could come pick you up."

"Um sure. When?"

"Thirty minutes?" He asked.

"That's good." I hung up the phone, and headed upstairs. I changed out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt to a tank top, and leggings. I kept my converses and bun. I added a small amount of makeup, before heading back downstairs.

Still no sign of my mom, so I left a note on the kitchen table. As I did, I heard a knock on my door.

I opened the door, ready to see Mason standing there, but it wasn't. My smile dropped. Beth stood there.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"I know your mad at me, and you probably hate me, but I need to tell you something. Please."

"You have five minutes." I pulled out my phone and turned the timer on. I'm being for real about only having five minutes.

"You being serious?" She asked.

"Yep. Start. Your wasting time."

"Okay so you are Ryder are together right?" She started.

"Yeah why?"

"What if I said I saw him with another girl today?" She got my full attention.

"What do you mean?" She pulled out her phone unlocked it, and stared to scroll through I'm guessing her pictures.

She pulled up a picture of him and Jayden. They were kissing against the wall in the hallway at school.

"How did you get this photo?" My eyes started to water up.

"Colton. Sent it to me." She pulled her phone from me, and started clicking on her phone again she pulled up the messages from today, and showed me her and Colton's conversation. She was right. He sent the photo. But why the heck would Ryder do this? To me? I thought he loved me.

"Thanks. You should probably go now. My friend is about to be here to pick me up-" And as I said that, Mason pulled up in his car.

"Mason?" She questioned.

"Yeah. He said he needed to talk to me, and I need to talk to him about this one girl that wants to get with him. So e are going out for ice cream."

"Sounds fun. Fun have. And Hey," she grabbed my arm to stop me in my steps. "I'm really sorry about the other day. I didn't woman to make you upset. And I didn't mean for you to get a detention. I went back today and told them to drop your detention. It was all my fault that it started. He said he can't drop it, but he'll let you only serve two days besides the week."

I smiled at her. Maybe she really means it. I mean she helped me out.

"Thank you Beth. I'm sorry too. And hey, could you send that photo to me?"

"Sure thing."

We both walked down my porch, her slaking back to her car, and me walking over to Mason's.

Stuff about to get real, real quick at that.

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