Chapter 34

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Go on and try to tear me down, I'll be rising from the ground

| Bailey |

I don't say much on the way home, my mind is too busy buzzing. Did that really happen? Did Xander actually kiss me? It seems so surreal. I need to tell someone about this, I can't keep it bottled up. Normally my go-to person besides Melia would be Ashton, but I'm not sure telling him is a good idea. I don't want him to freak out or go all overprotective-big-brother on me. I decide on telling Melia, since she is my best friend.

"Bailey, are you okay?" Ashton asks, turning around from the passenger seat.

"Yeah," I respond a little too quickly after being snapped out of my thoughts. Ashton narrows his eyes and gives me a suspicious look before turning around and getting out of the car. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and follow my brother into the house with mom behind me.

Ashton goes down to the basement, since the boys are coming over later to do a cover or something. Mom was against it at first since I just got out of the hospital, but I insisted I was fine. Besides, having the boys around always makes me laugh.

"Are you sure everything's alright?" Mom asks as she watches me worriedly. I nod, slightly biting the inside of my cheek.

"What was your first kiss like?" I blurt out, my eyes widening when I realize I actually just said that. Ashton, Arden and I have always been careful when bringing up things like that around mom since our dad left when I was very young. Hopefully her first kiss wasn't with him.

"It was actually a bit awkward," mom chuckles as she sits down on the couch. I follow her lead and sit next to her as she looks over at me. "Why?" She queries.

I bite my lip and fiddle with my phone. "Xander kissed me at the hospital," I rush out in a tiny whisper. I mentally wince and brace myself to be yelled at or lectured or something, but to my surprise mom remains clam. She widens her eyes before smiling and pressing her hand to my cheek.

"My baby is growing up," she whispers. I smile and laugh half-heartedly.

"So, what do we do now?" I ask slowly.

Mom shrugs. "You take it day by day, just like always." I nod as a million other questions pop into my head. Mom seems to pick up on this, "It's okay to be confused, love. Just take things slow, please," she pleads.

I giggle. "I will," I promise. It's not like we can do anything, anyway.

"Aw, they're having a moment."

I snap my head in the direction of the voice and see Michael, Luke and Calum standing by the basement door watching us with stupid grins on their faces. I giggle and roll my eyes as they file downstairs before I turn back to my mother.

"Should I tell Ashton?" I question.

"Tell Ashton what?" Another familiar voice sounds. Mom gives me a goofy smile and I roll my eyes. "What's wrong?" Ashton asks worriedly.

"Nothing," I assure. "But don't freak out." Ashton quirks an eyebrow suspiciously. Well, here goes nothing. "Xander kissed me today, at the hospital, right before you came in," I blurt out quickly. Ashton's mouth drops and he stands still. For a moment I'm unsure if he's dead or alive, or at least breathing. Suddenly, he breaks into a smile just like mom did.

"Aw, my little sister had her first kiss!" He exclaims, attracting the other boys' attention. They scramble up the stairs full of chatter as they crowd around me. I quickly cover my face with a pillow as mom shoes them off.

"But if he ever hurts you . . ." Ashton starts, trailing off for a dramatic effect. I giggle as he and the boys retreat back to the basement, and I'm left with mom, who now gives me the dreaded lecture of everything I'll supposedly need to know about dating and boys.


"What?! He kissed you and I'm only just hearing about this now?!" Melia screeches. She jumps up from my bed where I'm sitting with my phone as she begins to pace the room. I had wanted to tell her yesterday, but mom thought it'd be better if I rested and had some time to myself after everything that's happened. So now here we are, me sitting on the bed as I watch Melia freak out. I have to admit, it's almost amusing.

"Everyone keeps telling me to take it day by day, but I don't know what to do," I confess.

Melia stops pacing and runs a hand through her dirty blonde hair to push it out of her face.

"Should I talk to him? I don't know how this works," I sigh. Melia chuckles, sitting down beside me again, "Honey, rarely anyone does."

I give her a small smile as I fidget with my phone. "Talk on Wednesday," she suggests.

"But what if he asks what we are? Or I ask? I don't know what we are, I don't know what to do!" I exclaim, falling back into my bed.

"Stop overthinking it, just talk to him about it," Melia says calmly. I nod into my pillow and Melia pats my beanie-covered head. "Don't stress, my little Bailey Bean," she says softly. I giggle at the nickname; she gave that to me when we met in first grade because I was a little ball of energy and everyone said I was like a tiny jumping bean.

"Okay, I'll try not to," I say with a giggle. Melia smiles, snuggling into the blankets with me. "Okay, now tell me everything! I want details!" She squeals. I giggle. There's the Melia I know and love.

A/N - awe Bailey finally had her first kiss! Thoughts or predictions?

Just gonna throw out there Ashton's new hair looks great as fuck and omg he looks like fetus Ashton from 2013 and Cal's starting to get a fringe and my little heart can't handle this rip

Anyway, have a wonderful night/day wherever you are in the world and stay fabulous :) xoxo - Em :)

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