Chapter 50

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Life can hurt when it gets too real. I can hold you up when it's hard to deal.


| Ashton |

It's been almost two weeks. We try to sing to Bailey at least once a day, and somehow, Dr. Phelps thinks it's helping. She's slowly been improving, and yesterday she was taken off the ventilator because she can now breathe on her own. I'm really hoping she'll wake up soon, I've missed her.

Management has been unbelievably supportive throughout this whole thing. I'm forever grateful for that and how understanding and kind they've been. They've even been asking for updates, genuinely concerned and wanting to know if she's doing any better.

"We really miss you Bailey. Dr. Phelps says that you've been improving, though, so that should be a good sign," Luke says with a small smile, playing around with his fingers laced in hers.

Suddenly he freezes, then turns to me with wide eyes. "Ash, she squeezed back!" He whisper yells, his face now full of excitement. "I was holding her hand and she held mine back!"

I quickly grab Zoey as she's passing by and she checks Bailey's vitals. "Bailey, can you hear me?" Zoey says gently, flashing her little light in her eyes.

Suddenly I notice both Luke and Zoey are looking at me and I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

"Say something to her," Zoey encourages. I glance from her to Luke, who nods reassuringly and moves back to give me space beside her bed. I reluctantly do so, suddenly nervous.

"Bailey, can you hear me?" I ask softly. And then, something that I was afraid wouldn't ever happen, happens; Bailey's eyes flutter open and she locks hers on mine.

| Bailey |

I can hear muffled voices, almost like I have earbuds in so I can't hear whoever's talking fully. As I become more aware of myself, I notice that it's completely dark. My body feels heavy, and my side and stomach ache. Am I dead? I couldn't be, if I was dead I wouldn't be able to feel pain.

I hear the voice talking again, and I can faintly feel someone playing with my fingers. I try to move them, my arms and legs, but can't. Why can't I move?

The voice slowly becomes louder, and I feel relieved when I can place that it's Luke's voice. I've missed his voice. It's so calming, I love listening to him talk. I try to squeeze his hand back, and then suddenly I can no longer feel his hand in mine anymore. I mentally wince at the loss of contact, then hear his muffled whisper-yelling. I can hear another muffled voice talking, but I can't place it. It sounds fairly familiar, but I'm still drawing a blank.

After a minute of silence, I hear a voice I'd recognize anywhere; Ashton's. I can't quite place what he's saying, but hearing his cautious and worried voice gives me enough strength to open my eyes.

"Hi," Ashton breathes, the most relieved smile on his face I've ever seen. I smile back weakly and squint my eyes to get used to the light. Before we even have a chance to speak to each other, I'm whisked away where test after test is performed and I'm moved out of the ICU before Ashton and mom meet up in my new room.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," Ashton whines, sitting on the edge of my bed and grabbing my hand.

"Sorry," I giggle, my voice still slightly hoarse. I learned that I was out for about two weeks after my surgery since my tumor burst. What happens now? Is there any cancer left?

"I'm just glad you're alive," mom whispers, sitting on the other side of my bed and giving me a light hug. I sigh in content, having missed being able to hug my family.

"How do you feel? Does anything hurt?" Ashton asks, his eyebrows scrunching in concern. I smile and shake my head.

"Nope, they gave me medicine for my side and took out my stitches," I say, and Ashton smiles.

"You should rest, you've still got some recovering to do," mom says.

I nod my head and look over to Ashton expectantly. "Cuddle?"

He grins, climbing into the bed next to me as I lay my head on his chest. "I never thought I'd get to hear those words again."

I bury my face into his chest and hug him as tightly as I can manage with the little strength I have. "Get used to it; you're stuck with me."

Ashton grins so widely, I think his face might split in half. "And for that, I will be eternally grateful."

• ° • ° • ° •

A/N - I'm updating again because I didn't have a crap ton of homework today! Also, I updated my phone to IOS 10 and ITS VERY WEIRD! I don't know how I feel about it...

Anyway, I hope y'all have a great day, much love :) xoxo - Em.

Unbroken | Ashton Irwin's Little Sister (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora