Chapter 51

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And you know that every struggle in life is there to teach you a lesson, it's times like these that make you.


| Bailey |

It's been a week since I woke up, and I've been working hard to regain my strength. My body is slowly beginning to recover and get stronger and I've started physical therapy to help strengthen my bones after being in a coma for two weeks. I was a little shaky at first, but Dr. Phelps says I'm doing much better than she ever could have hoped that I would. I'm just praying that the cancer is gone and this chapter of my life will be finished. I'm ready to start a new one.

"Bailey, some people are here to see you," mom says as she walks into the room. I push myself into a sitting position as I can now do effortlessly, grinning as my four favorite boys waltz into the room. I haven't seen them since I woke up, and man, I've missed them tons.

"Bailey!" They all chorus. Michael is grinning with tears in his eyes as he rushes over and gently envelopes his arms around me. I giggle and hug him back tightly, causing him to hold me tighter.

"Oh my god I missed you so much," he rushes out.

"I missed you too," I sigh in content as each of the boys take their turn to to give me a welcome back hug and share with me how I scared the crap out of them.

"She's one hell of a fighter," Michael says, laying down on the bed next to me. I giggle and lean my head onto his shoulder.

"Ain't that the truth," Ashton sighs with a fond smile, leaning against the doorframe.

We spend the rest of the day catching up and just messing around together; it feels so good to be able to be myself again. I feel better than I have in months; healthier, stronger, and happy. I've missed these boys. I've missed this.

Our shenanigans are halted when Dr. Phelps comes in holding a clipboard. All the boys immediately shrink away from her and sit down around my bed as Ashton comes to stand beside me, gently grabbing my hand.

"Alright Bailey, as you know, we've run several tests on you to see if there's any cancer left in your body." I nod for her to continue and feel Ashton growing more tense by the second.

"Well, we've gotten all the tests back, and it gives me great pleasure to tell you that as of today, there is no sign of any cancer in your body. Bailey Shea Irwin, you are officially in remission!" I gasp and can't help the squeal that comes out of my mouth. I jump up and into Ashton's arms, and he twirls me around as the rest of the guys screams and yell in excitement. They all group around us in a huge hug, and in this moment, life couldn't get any better.

If I've learned one thing these past few months, it's that life is messy. There's no doubt about that, but that's the beauty of it. There are twists and turns no one will see coming, curveballs that throw us off and knock us down. The most important thing though, is that when life knocks you down, you get back up. I couldn't have done it without these four wild, crazy, but amazingly loving and unconditionally supportive boys. Through it all, we've somehow remained unbroken. And I couldn't possibly be any happier to be alive and see what the future holds for us.

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A/N - this was the last chapter!! Can you hear me crying?! Stay tuned for the epilogue! I love you all so much!! Xoxo - Em:D

Unbroken | Ashton Irwin's Little Sister (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora