Chapter 26

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I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone," but all that's dead and gone and passed tonight


| Bailey |

Time hasn't really been meaningful the last few days, or however long it was. I only remember how tired I've been and the pain coursing throughout my body, especially in my side. Everything else is kind of a blur, like I'm remembering something from when I was only half awake. That's probably because when I am awake, I'm out of it.

I vaguely remember mom and Ashton taking turns trying to get me to eat or drink something. I'm guessing I refused since my throat is dry and scratchy. I wince and take in a sharp breath as an electric pain pierces my side again.

"Hey, you're awake," Ashton's soft voice comes from the doorway. I nod and pull the blanket up to my chin as a chill runs down my spine. "Are you cold?" He asks. I nod and he disappears for a minute. I hear rummaging in the hall closet before he returns with a blanket and lays it over me. I give him a small smile as I snuggle into it. When I turn to thank my brother, he's gone. I sigh and roll over, deciding to try and get some rest. A little while later, Ashton reappears with a cup of water and a plate with a few crackers and yogurt on it.

"Are you thirsty?" He whispers. I nod and sit up as he hands me the water. I drink it quickly and sigh in relief as the cool water softens the harsh sting in my throat.

"I know you don't want to hear this right now, but you should really eat something, Bai," Ashton whispers gently.

I'm really not hungry, but the discomfort in my stomach and side prompts me to nibble on the crackers. Unfortunately, they're rough on my throat so I try the yogurt instead. It burns a little, but also makes my throat feel better. Unluckily, however, I can't keep it down, and I'm throwing what little I ate up about thirty minutes later. Ashton is there, like always, to comfort me and hold my hair back. He puts it in a loose bun for me and rubs my back. Then he helps me brush my teeth and gives me more water before I go back to bed.

"Get some rest little one," he whispers after tucking me in. I let out a whimper and grab his wrist. "Stay with me?" I mumble. He smiles and crawls into the bed with me. I'm quick to cuddle close to him and sigh against his warmth, his body heat radiating onto me. "Of course," he whispers back. "Now get some sleep."


The next morning, the pain is much better and seems to be basically gone. It only happens once in a while now and I'm very glad.

I climb out of bed and throw on some sweatpants and a hoodie, leaving my mess of a bun in my hair and going downstairs. School is finally out and Melia only has a few exams until she's officially finished, so she's coming over today and I'm going to help her study.

My stomach growls as I make my way into the living room. I smile at the four idiots gathered on the couches, Mikey and Luke with their guitars and Cal with his base. Ashton is sitting on his acoustic drum thing that I always forget the name of and they're whispering to each other. I plop myself down next to Luke and let my eyes take in the scene.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask as Luke fondly ruffles my hair.

"Working on some new songs," Ashton replies excitedly. "We could go to the studio, but I figured it'd be more inspirational here." I raise an eyebrow. That's not the only reason he stayed; mom and Arden are both out so he has to watch me. Well, at least he seems to be enjoying himself.

I just shrug and being my knees up to my chest. "Can we take a food break? I'm hungry."

Ash drops his pencil and snaps his head in my direction. I feel my cheeks heating up as everyone grins and celebrates because I'm actually hungry and eating. This is so embarrassing, it's not my fault chemo makes me lose my appetite!

Ashton gladly makes us all pancakes and when Melia comes over we scatter in the living room to eat them. Ashton even lets me and Melia put chocolate chips on ours. (A/N - chocolate chip pancakes are heaven ok just sayin)

After we finish eating, Melia and I go to the kitchen table so I can help her study. I'm already finished with my work and finals, which is relieving because I can just relax as best as I can during the summer. It'll be nice not to have to worry about school on top of everything else.

Melia and I catch up and she tells me all the latest gossip at school; who's dating who, how some guy got revenge on a popular girl for cheating on him, the list goes on and on. I don't understand how these freshmen have the time and energy to put up with these demanding and hormonal boys. Melia giggles and agrees with me and we continue to study until I'm too tired. Then we go to sit on the porch and I rub my side because it's hurting again.

"So, how about you and this Xander boy?" Melia speaks up mischievously. I shrug, "What about him?" She gives me the look and shakes her head. "Come on, you guys are adorable together," she states as if it's obvious.

I let out a long sigh, "We're friends," I tell her, "And that's it. Besides, one of us could kick the bucket any day, so what would be the point in dating?"

Melia looks down at her hands. "Stop. You're not going to die, Bailey," she whispers.

I frown and take her hand. "I know, I'm sorry," I whisper.

She looks up at me, "What do you mean you know?"

I shrug, "I dunno, I just have this feeling that no matter what happens, everything will be okay. That I'll be okay." Melia smiles and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Good. I'm glad. You better not go anywhere."

I wrap my arms around her with a smile. "I'm not planning on it."

A/N - it's 1am and I have to be up early for church tomorrow but hey lets update another chapter anyway bc funnn!

There was some foreshadowing in the beginning of this chapter;) it was kind of a filler but I liked it and it's cute so yay. What do you guys think will happen?

I hope you all have a glorious day! Xoxo - Em:)

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