Chapter 13

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Thanks always to my wonderful Beta reader @rsrdiall

The people who were watching felt their hearts leap as Kyoko picked up the letters carefully.

"NO, NO! SHE CAN'T DO THAT!" Kanae screamed and darted out of the room with Chiori on her heels as they ran the short distance to the room. Kanae slammed open the door and shouted out her heart at her best friend,

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT KYOKO! IF YOU CAN'T LEARN TO LOVE AGAIN WHAT HOPE DO I HAVE?" Kanae was crying, tears pouring from her eyes. True tears not the false tears she could summon at will. These were real tears as her heart wrenched for the girl before her and for herself, the girl who never showed emotion. She had fought for this girl's affection from the man who was now laying out his soul to her. She couldn't watch her friend throw that away.

She looked at Kyoko through tear-blurred eyes as she sobbed deep in her chest, she could see the shining eyes and the sweet smile on her lips as she looked at Kanae,

"Oh Moko-san, you already know how to love." Kanae's eyes cleared slightly, seeing her looking happy. She saw the magic wand in her hand and the TV that had flickered to life in the wall. Within moments, she was sobbing in Kyoko's arms. Chiori was hugging her too as they all stepped backwards to sit on the king sized bed together to watch the magic unfold.

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"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, press and paparazzi as I'm sure some have snuck in somewhere." the crowd laughed as the lights went out. The room was pitch black and in the centre of the room a rumbling sound as the floor rose five feet into the air. A spotlight lit on what had been a fountain and was now sinking out of view as stairs shot out from the sides of the rising stage, making it look like an over large birthday cake. Lory rose up from the centre dressed in black trousers, a puffed white shirt, a black cape lined with red silk and a white mask covering half his face. The Phantom of the Opera had arrived.

When all movement halted, people applauded as the TV crews prepared to record. Their cameras flashed. Certain news networks had been invited and some press which meant there was something special going on tonight and they wanted to be ready. Kyoko and the girls were watching the hall live from the bedroom they sat in. They watched as the stage was set and listened intently as Lory graced it.

"My dear friends, tonight we are here to witness the death of one of my beloved Phoenixes."

the room as silent murmurs with words like 'A death?' and 'What does he mean?' rang clearly around the room as Lory smiled at everyone.

"Now do not be alarmed, we have been here before. When one of my beautiful children sheds their old feathers to be reborn again leaving behind his stage name for his real name." now this caused a stir as he knew it would. The name on everybody's lips in that second was Hizuri Kuu.

"He asked to do this here tonight in front of you all not because he wishes for the publicity, but as he told me that the people in this room are his friends they are the people he cares about. The ones he wishes to know the truth, I will not bore you with unneeded chatter as I know he has a lot to say. So without further ado I have kept my promise. I have set your stage you have walked upon it proudly and now I give the stage to you." Lory stepped off the stage. Slightly to the right, everyone was looking around as a hooded and cloaked figure no one had really noticed walked out of the shadows and shook Lory's hand. With long purposeful steps, he took to the stage shrouded in mystery as none could see his face. He slowly removed the black and billowing robe.

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