Chapter 4

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She dried away her tears as with a shaking hand she reached for letter 14. This one felt a little heavier in her hand as she picked it up, a little thicker and her heart stopped. Was this a bad sign? She looked at her name written clearly on the front.

"To Kyoko-chan," her heart was heavy with emotion as well as her mind but she just couldn't not read it not now for she had gone too far already.

Hi Kyoko-chan,

Well another year has come and gone, and here I am again with pen in hand writing yet another letter to you. It makes me laugh because you probably don't even remember me by now and if you haven't sold my sapphire or lost it, it's probably at the bottom of some box somewhere never to be seen again.

Least I'm not gonna bore myself stupid about how bad my life is this year. Yeah maybe I don't have the best life or the best family, but at least I have a friend now. His name's Rick and from the first moment I met him he's changed my life. I'm no longer that worthless little sucker I was before Rick taught me what being a man is really about. Though I think my mom walking into the bedroom with me and Rachel naked or was it Monica oh well whichever it was I think they realise now I'm no longer a child.

Rick's teaching me everything about fighting. How to stand up for myself and how not to be a chicken, but its been a long journey. I've enclosed some pictures for you if you ever read these letters which I doubt, they will make you smile, (Kyoko quickly pulled the three pictures from the envelope and smiled) The first picture is of my rooster. Rick got him in the hope that I would learn a basic thing about life, it's followed by death. Yet even though he called me a chicken when I instead gave him chicken nuggets that I bought I still understood the meaning behind what he was telling me, to be stronger I have to fight. To be stronger I have to be willing to go to any means.

The other two pictures are of the two hens we later got to keep him company as mom said. It was sad for him to be alone, he now lives in a hen coop in our garden and seems to do OK. The last picture is of me with all of them (Kyoko couldn't look at that picture quick enough there in the picture was a tall teenager, his blond hair shining as he sat in a chicken coop a rooster on his head and two chickens in his lap, Kyoko's heart leapt he looked so happy.) Well I have no idea why I brought them along, it's not like you will probably ever read the letters but I just thought it would be nice so I will seal them in with the letter too.

Mark and his cronies don't bother me anymore. None of the boys do at school, not after Rick became my friend though I do get a lot of attention from the ladies which is very enjoyable. Me and Rick have a good time together we drink a bit and he even taught me how to smoke which I think makes me look pretty cool if I do say so myself. But I just wish Rick wouldn't go on so much about love and true love. Lately he has this new girlfriend Tina and he keeps telling me if I want to keep a good relationship I need to understand the magic of a woman, but for the life of me I have no idea what he's talking about.

I've been thinking lately that maybe the acting life isn't for me. The directors and other actors are just all stuck up and annoying, all they think about is being on time, following the script and doing it exactly right. It's really stupid and then when I get an NG and argue they just get even more stupid over this whole professionalism crap they sprout about. What's the point in doing it if you don't enjoy the role. Really, I got fired the other day for having a woman in my dressing room all we were doing was having a little fun, why the make-up artist had to go and tell the director I'll never know.

Oh well, guess I've been in here long enough now to please them all so maybe I can go and get something to drink from one of my older cousins.

Hope wherever you are that you are OK and happy Kyoko-chan.

Kuon Hizuri

This letter left her feeling a little mixed up emotionally. Surely at 14 Corn wouldn't be doing...THAT! With women would he? What does he mean they were only having a little fun in his dressing room? Her head was spinning how could he think professionalism was rubbish? How could he be so nonchalant about being sacked? She had no idea what to think of this new Corn the letter portrayed though in the picture of him with the chickens she could still see that twinkle in the lanky teenager who had yet to really grow into his looks.

I hope he settles down a little bit or I can see him getting hurt.

she thought as she looked at the letter again.

His mother walked in on him with a naked girl and he can't even remember her name.

She hadn't even seen the scene but still she felt colour rising to her cheeks, Corn's voice in her ears as he was trying to console his mother,

"We were only having a bit of fun Mom. Jeez lighten up, will you?"

she could hear the voice over and over trying to imagine it a little deeper, maybe by this point his voice had already broken? But she couldn't imagine it. All she could hear was Corn's voice as that ten year old that had comforted her all those years ago.

She placed the letter down and reached for the next.

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