Chapter 6

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Her hand hovered over the next letter. She really needed to see what came next but still she didn't know if her heart was ready for this. This would be the moment she would find out what became of her friend. The envelope was neat and plain but not the same stationery as the first four yet loads better than the next five. She could see them. 16 in the corner and this time her name written on the front again but the handwriting was different and her name was different simply written,


She picked up the envelope, taking a deep breath she broke the seal and pulled out the neatly folded letter. It was perfection. If she had to take a guess she would even think the paper had been ironed before folding to make the damage of the crease less. With fumbling fingers, she opened the letter and let out a heart rending sob at the first part of the letter.


I no longer feel we shall ever meet again. Kuon Hizuri is dead.

She couldn't breathe for the sobs that racked her entire body as she trembled with emotion, but she had to know how? she had to know why?

He has died within me, I am no longer able to be the boy you once knew. I am no longer able to walk in his shoes. Whether I will ever allow him to live again depends on how I live my life from now on.

Not long after I last wrote you I was propositioned by my father's boss in Japan, He came and removed me from my self-depressed world where I surely would have died in self pity and self loathing. He offered to make my life anew, giving me a new name and a new life so I could make of it what I wished. He offered to set the stage for me. Who was I to say no? I needed to get away, needed to become someone else. Someone who wouldn't hurt people, who could be called a good man even if inside I still held the soul of a murderer.

So I have been in Japan almost a year and it has not been easy. Boss told me he would take me here but that my life was my own. He would not interfere in my work though he has looked after me in his own way. My hard work has started to pay off recently and Boss says that my acting skills are improving every day. I've had a few very minor roles which have been good and the other day Boss said he has a leading role coming soon for me so I will be looking into that in the next few days along with a manager that he says will hopefully be able to keep up with me. I've already been through five different ones who just couldn't keep up with the schedule I keep but he says he has the perfect guy for me now. We will just have to see how it goes.

I still struggle sometimes with my past, but its getting easier everyday to keep and hold my new name's mask. I'm not ready just yet to put that name on paper for you not until I know that I'm worthy of you. I've not spoken to my parents since the day I left, I took nothing with me but my passport and I have promised I will not go back until I am able to do so under my own power. The day I am ready to return back to my parents side is the day I hope I will be worthy of telling you my name. The only person I have corresponded with is my grandfather. He sent me a letter to tell me my last letter arrived with him safe and sound. I hardly remember writing it, but he insists that I continue this journey through letters so as always, I am sitting here in my own apartment which seems like anything but home, writing you this letter to send back to my grandfather in case that day ever comes when I'm worthy of you, Kyoko.

As always, I hope you are well and happy


Kyoko's brain wasn't working, she couldn't grasp what this meant.

Does this mean Corn is alive?

She looked back down at the letter,

Yes, it does mean Corn is alive, but he is living as someone else. Someone who is an actor for somebody called Boss

Thinking back, Kyoko sat for a moment and tried her hardest to think whatever it was that was trying to squirm its way out of the turmoil of her mind. What was it that was so important? Why the hell was her brain so foggy?

Dad calls president Boss

That was the thought that had been trying to escape. Now set free, the cogs in her head seemed to be rolling again ever so slowly.

So it could be the president that saved Corn. So does that mean Corn works for LME? But no, Corn said that the president didn't help him with his career at all... or does that just mean that Corn had to get into the company himsel?f Is he with another company?

There were still lots of thoughts spinning in her head but she just couldn't think straight anymore. It was too much to take in all in one go.

Corn was alive living under another name in the same business she was working in and possibly for the same company.

There were very few names that fit that category at the age Corn would be now but one hit her with force as she tried to shake it out of her head into being. Could it really be...

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