Chapter 3.

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She just had to know. Was he really dead? Had her fairy prince truly left this world for another? She grabbed the next letter, 13 was written in the corner she hardly glanced at the

"Kyoko-chan" written on the front as she tore open the letter eager to hear more of her friend.

Hello Kyoko-chan,

Again I am here sitting and listening to the family talk about me being a disappointment. I will never marry well, I was stupid, I was dumb and that you have probably made yourself a small fortune by selling off the uncut gem. My parents and grandfather try to keep my spirits up, but the fact is I'm so used to this by now. I will never reach my father and I will never gain true love like he has. I will always be nothing more than the stupid, big headed son of a famous Hollywood actor that gets roles just because his father is a big shot.

That's what Mark says anyway and everyone else at school. Some mornings I don't even want to get out of bed. Why bother dragging myself out of bed when all I have to look forward to is more lies, more hate and more often than not another fist, foot or other part of somebody's body as they beat me to the floor? This world is a cold, dark and ruthless place Kyoko-chan. If I had a choice I would leave it all behind and take you with me for fear one day you will feel the same crushing feeling I have everyday. Some days I wish for the magic of my sapphire. I wish I could do as I told you once and draw out all my worry and sorrows into that blue stone, but you have probably already realised by now that I am no fairy prince and that stone isn't really magic at all.

You probably hate me just as much as everyone else for lying to you, but still I have to sit and write this letter. I don't want to upset my grandfather or parents though sometimes I wish they weren't mine. You were wrong Kyoko-chan, there is no way I will ever be able to fly free. I've tried and it's probably where most of my troubles began. Mark went for the same roles and a few of my classmates, but when I got them they all started the rumours off. I only get roles because of my father, it's not like I have talent, it's just the family name. Who doesn't know the name of Hizuri in our industry? It made me so angry Kyoko-chan I wanted to shout at everyone that it's me who is acting, not my father, but that would have been just as useless. I played the roles, but I was never brilliant. I would get a thank you and a pat on the back, but I wasn't my father at the end of the day and they could see that.

Dad told me to keep my chin up and that I just need to work on building my character. Once I've figured that out he told me I would be a wonderful actor. Mom agreed. Of course they would, that's their job. To comfort me when I fail, but they don't know about school. I hide most of the bruises and if I get a black eye or a broken bone I lie of course. It was an accident or we were playing. I suppose I should be happy they trust me so much and the way they're smiling as they tell people 'Boys will be boys.' whatever that means. Sometimes I wish they were not famous.

Sometimes I wish for normal parents, or I wish they could see through my lies to the pain I'm feeling inside. But even though they still love me and see me every week no matter how busy they are, they fail to see how much I'm suffering because of their names, because of how famous they are. Some days I don't want to move, I would just rather curl up in a ball and try and escape the world. What's the point Kyoko-chan? What is the point of trying to be better when all anyone ever does is push you back down again?

I hope you are at least happy, I hope you still hold and cherish my sapphire as sometimes it's only thoughts of your smile that make me able to make it through the day. It's only the sound of your laugh that rings through my head, that keeps me able to put on a smile before my parents. It's only you that will ever know how I feel right now if you ever receive this letter.

Kuon Hizuri

The paper long stained with the tear drops of her childhood friend now bear witness to new tears. The ink ran slightly as her tears were flowing free and fast as she covered her sobs with her hand

Oh Corn. My dear, sweet Corn how could I ever hate you? Why did you keep all of this bottled inside? Your parents would have understood, they would have helped you. Why try and take on the world alone?

She knew the reason. It was also why she had taken it upon herself to get revenge on Fuwa Sho when she could've just as easily ruined his career by going to the press with her story? Because Corn had his own self pride and he wanted to prove to the world that he could do it alone. It was only recently that Kyoko herself had started to realise this was stupid. There are some things in life you couldn't do alone.

She thought back to her début movie that would be released on the 26thDecember. Just one day away now she had worked so hard for this moment. But it wasn't just her, she had not done it alone, there were so many people that had helped her along the way and supported her. She had friends now, she had people that cared about her deeply. She looked down at the beautiful dress made by the mother of the child in these letters. Had they ever read them? Did they know about them? She thought about the people waiting in the party venue laughing, dancing and joking, all of them dear to her.

She thought about the movie more. It wasn't just her début but Kanae's and Chiori's also. It had been specially written for all of them on Lory's insistence. It was a wonderful story about three friends who grew up together in an orphanage and their lives after leaving but always keeping in touch with each other, always being friends. It was their growth through the sad and hard times, their joy and laughter at the good times. Her best friends never once complained that they had to wait until December to release the film and not once did they say anything about it being her fault that they had to wait for her to be 18 due to having no parental consent.

She had got to work with Ren again, for a short time on the film. He had played as her love interest and then later her husband before dying in a freak accident. She had been able to act out giving birth, having a young child and losing the love of her life and left to cope with her friends assistance she had survived.

As she sat there the movie really did show the president's favourite subject in so many ways. 'Love' was virtually in every scene, in every scene you could see the love between the three women, you saw the love between Kyoko's character and Ren's character as well as the love they both had for their child. You saw the love as Kanae's character struggled with admitting to her two best friends she was a lesbian and the love of how they supported her and later her and her partner as they fought for the right to be together. Kyoko smiled to herself remembering how worried Kanae had been by her role, but how well she had acted out her part with Momose Itsumi. If she wouldn't have known any better she would have said on set the two girls really were in love, but she knew off set they were just good friends.

Chiori had chosen a different path, she had become wealthy and successful in the end, running her own fashion magazine only to later, after many failed relationships, fall in love with the one person who had always been there supporting her. Another friend from the orphanage they had all grown up in. When the time came that the orphanage was to be closed down it was she that saved it and then together with her husband and her two best friends were the people that worked together to help other children like themselves.

Kyoko sighed. Truly that story showed love at its highest degree, it showed every aspect of love which as Lory had told them was what he was looking for in a film for his Love Me ladies.

Corn, you needed your family. Oh how I wish I could have been there for you. I never asked about your life, I only ever cried about my own. I'm so sorry Corn.

She had begun now and she knew she wouldn't be able to stop so she picked up the next letter...

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