Chapter 10

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She looked at the next letter. She wondered if she should stop here. How would this letter make her feel? (How would you feel sitting there knowing this was the point that you rejoined a story? Would you pick up that letter?) Kyoko sighed and just let her body move. Grabbing letter 20, she opened it slowly dropping the envelope. She hadn't even checked the name on the front.


I find myself at a loss for what to say, what to write. This year has been utterly and completely amazing, astounding, illogical and completely one of the best years of my life so far. Tonight or should I say this morning? This is the first time I have ever written one of these letters on the 26th December and not the 25, but as a professional I will not give you an excuse but I will tell you why.

You see this year I met the most wonderful, amazing and beautiful young woman! She has completely and utterly captivated me to the point that when I'm around her I am no longer able to think straight. She fills my mind entirely and its only the last few months I've been able to understand why. She came to LME with one purpose, 'Revenge.' What was I supposed to say when I saw her trying to join the agency for such an unprofessional reason? We asked her to leave of course, but hell that girl didn't take no for an answer. She fought tooth and claw for her chance to prove herself and she got that chance in the form of the new talent auditions.

I was told later by an almost crying Sawara-san about this girl and how she had grabbed the president's interest instantly. How she wowed them all with her vegetable peeling art skills, I know it has a correct name but after Yashiro broke my phone again tonight teasing me about this girl, I'm unable to look it up. Well she did really well up until Boss's special test, the 'Love Test.' I remember Sawara-san cringing when he told me about the girl smashing the phone off the stage and how Boss had looked like he had just lost his most treasured toy. As expected, if she was unable to show love she wasn't suited for LME. But the thing about this girl was that once she was in your head, you couldn't forget about her and she slowly worked her way to your heart with all of her little quirks.

As expected, Boss said he couldn't forget her, he just had to have her. She was special in more than one way, she just had a weakness and one he was determined to fix. So he set up a plan and at first I was completely against it. I was even a little nasty to the girl, I'm ashamed to say. I wanted her to see that her revenge resolve and guts wouldn't work in this industry, but I'm happy to say she never listened to me. Even though she calls me senpai, I think I learn more from her everyday than I ever could at any acting school. The first time I acted against her she astounded me not only by how beautiful and different her character was with no training at all, but by her professionalism and for me, someone who has built up my reputation on that basis she amazed me. She sat through an entire tea scene with a broken ankle and refused to end the scene until I had finished my part before she collapsed. With the pain she must have been feeling, thinking on it now I hate myself for allowing her to do such a thing.

Though that was the start for both of us, I think. She found something to love more than her revenge plot and I found someone who amazed me completely. I saw as she healed Maria-chan of her guilt. Something I had been unable to do, she accomplished in one day becoming closer to the girl than I ever could. I watched her make friends with a girl that scared most others, but she found and understood her deeper self. Her true self she rarely showed to anyone was laid bare to this girl and they fought and won together bravely. She took care of me when I told her I didn't need taking care of only to find out how wrong I was, but truly how amazing she could be.

She worked hard to please everyone, and when given an opportunity she worked even harder. She passed her high school entrance exam with a 100 percent at a top school, easily becoming the most clever student they had. She even worked with the person she hated most as a professional. Even if it took her a little to get into her role, when she got there she wowed the producers, directors, cast and audiences alike with her performance. Then of course came her big part. She was chosen to be invited to work on a major drama. One that was said would break all records and one that would put her name in lights. Dark Moon.

Without that girl there I doubt I would have succeeded in my own role. She might have thought that she couldn't help me during that practice we did together. Holding her in my arms on the floor in my kitchen, I can honestly say that I knew at that moment exactly what Katsuki was feeling. I knew what it was to love a girl who was too young, that it was wrong for us to be together. In that moment I knew I loved her. I started to think more and more about her, she filled my waking and sleeping hours entirely, unless I was working and even then she wasn't far from my mind.

Then when she was attacked by a stalker and saved by the one who had originally hurt her so badly I was so angry. Not at her, but at him and at myself for not being there to protect her. I promised I would never allow it to happen again. God, how I love that girl and how silly love makes us. I wanted to kiss her so badly I made up a poor excuse after causing myself pain to eat with her. I said that I couldn't sleep without a pillow so I could use her lap. If only I wasn't so much of a coward, I could tell her how I feel. If she wasn't so much against love I could hold her like I've wanted to for so long.

So back to last night. Yashiro and I were invited by Maria-chan to their Happy Grateful Party. This was yet another amazing thing about this girl. Maria refused to celebrate any special occasions or holidays because they reminded her of the pain of her mother's death but that girl...she worked around it in a truly unique way. She made the girl a part of the party and a part of the planning. Even though it wasn't her plan, she allowed Maria the best opportunity to have the greatest birthday Maria-chan has ever had. As the clock struck 12 I was there to give her my own special gift.

I told you at the time Kyoko, and I will say it again now.

Happy 17th Birthday Kyoko.

If I ever give you these letters it means that now we have found one another again. I would like to say how glad I was when my sapphire fell from the heavens, bringing you back to me that day after Ring Doh. At that time I couldn't believe how much you had changed because of your hurt. But what could I say when I had changed so much because of my own?

I'm glad I have found you again, my first true love.


Her hand fell to the pile of opened letters. Her eyes closed as tears silently fell from her eyes. In the room four doors down, Kanae and Chiori sat alone and waited. They knew their role now. They just had to wait and pray she would be OK.

Letters of my Life. (A Skip Beat! Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin