"Marcus!" Caspian shouted, his voice fading as his vision faded into the darkness.


Everything felt strange. Almost as if his body was tugged backwards and stuffed into a locker. Something Marcus was all too familiar with from his experience in highschool.

Instead of.the muffled laughter he usually heard, it was the clash of swords, the cries of war.

His vision cleared and everything was so very strange and yet so familiar. Almost as if his body had seen this carnage before. He wanted to move around and take his surroundings, yet it seemed as if his dream self forced him to look another way.

What's going on? he thought. Everything seemed strange, as if he was seeing Caspian's world through someone else's eyes. A world much older and darker.

"Ashur!" a voice said from beside him, almost as a warning.

He could feel his body move with rapid reflexes, blocking an attack from a strange creature with tentacles. He watched as hands that held a familiar pair of blades sliced through them with ease.

Those are the blades I touched, Marcus thought, the blades looking rather new.

He could feel himself bracing for another attack from the beast. However, from out of nowhere a blade appeared, sinking itself into the flesh of the beast, releasing  black blood from it's severed body.

In his place was a merman with bright green eyes and black hair.

The merman had a mischievous smile on his features, sending his heart racing, something Marcus felt when Caspian was near.

"You seem a little slow my friend," the merman said with a cocky grin.

He scoffed, "Silence you fool. I could've handled that beast myself."

The merman rolled his eyes and waved his sword around, mimicking his voice, "'I am strong. I am god.' Honestly Ashur, no need to keep all the action to yourself, some of are here to help you."

He chuckled, bodies nearing closer to each other, "I know. It's one of the many reasons I love you."

Marcus could feel himself mentally squirm as their lips met.

"Gods Deleri, you kiss like the heavens," Ashur spoke to the merman once they separated.

A light blush appeared over Deleri's defined cheek bones, "And you kiss like a god."

He could feel the dream fade away, reality seeping in but Ashur's response was loud and clear.

"That's because I am a god."

Marcus blinked, the worried faces of his friends and his mate filling his view.

"Oh he's waking up," Atlantis spoke, relieved.

"Marcus! Are you alright?" Caspian said frantically, callous hands clutching Marcus' cheeks.

He felt his body tremble as he sat up, muscles feeling rather sore, "I had the strangest dream," he murmured softly before looking at Caspian, "What happened?"

"You picked up the weapon and you fell unconscious," Morgan stated, his cat eyes glittering with curiosity.


Morgan watched the confusion across Marcus's features and he couldn't help but smile.

He coughed, catching their attention, "Atlantis, Caspian. I want to speak with Marcus. Alone."

The men furrowed their eyebrows but nonetheless they complied, leaving the room with Morgan's gaze following the two before reflecting back to Marcus.

"What happened?" Morgan murmured, taking his place next to the slender merman.

"I saw something so strange and yet, it felt so familiar."

Marcus lifted the twin blades. No longer were they covered in filth and barnacle but glowing with life.

"Tell me."


Destan slipped into dungeons along with his wife, Aceso.

"He's isn't the one pulling the strings," his wife murmured, eyes watching the prisoner as her hand caressed her growing belly.

Elric's whimpers filled the cell, hands clasped over his ears as he rocked back and forth, muttering under his breath.

"What do you suggest?" Destan murmured quietly.

"The goddess tells me to send him with Morgan," Aceso said, her fingers reaching for his.

"He nearly killed Morgan you know. Atlantis will be furious."

"I know," Aceso whispered.

Getting closer to the end ;)
I'm hoping I could put up this book for Wattys2016. Think I got a chance?

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