His Voice...And Everything Else.

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This is a Hajime x Nagito one-shot, and it is told in Hajime's POV. Thank you for reading!

NOTE: This is before the Tragedy, and also *MAJOR SPOILER WARNING* before Hajime was turned into Izuru.

I had no idea how I had managed to get roped into this.


I had gotten a peculiar letter from an anonymous person, that told me to meet them in the boys bathroom closet. Little did I know, that Nagito had gotten the same note, and was going to the same place.

At the time the note said, I made my way to the closet out of complete curiosity at what might wait. But all I found was...

"Hajime! So it was you who wrote this note...I see!"
"Wait, what?! I thought you wrote the note!"
"You didn't write the note? Well, that's weird. I wonder who wrote it."
"Jeez, don't ask me!"


"Huh? What was that just now?"

I put my hand on the doorknob, and twisted it. It wouldn't budge.

"W-Why won't the door open?!"
"Oh, that's just too bad...I can't believe you're stuck with someone like me. I'm sorry, Hajime."
"Dammit! How're we gonna get out?!"

Back to present

"Nagito, stop rambling."
"Hope will always win-oh, my apologies. I'm such a worthless, good for nothing, piece of trash..."
"Nagito, stop your self-deprecation also...you're pissing me off."

Why the hell do I gotta be stuck with someone like him?


I...admit it. I do have a slight crush on him. Something about him...for whatever reason, I kind of like? I don't know what it is. All I know is that it's probably not good that I like him...he's a weirdo, that's for sure.

"Why did someone lock the door...?"
"I wonder, Hajime. It would have to be a guy who did this."
"Hmm, maybe not. It could be a girl. Who knows why they'd be in the boys bathroom though..."
"Whoever it is, it most likely is the person who wrote the note."
"Is there some reason that they want us to stay together in here?"

After I said that, my heart sped up.

Does someone know that I have a minor crush on Nagito...? Am I that obvious?

I heard footsteps, so light as if they were tiptoeing, and before Nagito could say anything, I put my hand over his mouth.

Then, the footsteps stopped, and a small slip of paper was put under the door. Whoever gave it to us, ran off giggling. They sounded like a girl, but the laughter quickly faded out before I could recognize it.

"Hey! Come back! Why did you lock us here, dammit!"
"It's useless Hajime. Let's just read the note. Actually, you read it. Someone like me has no right to read it..."
"Whatever," I picked up the note and began to read it aloud. "It says..."

I know you're probably wondering, why you've been put into a closet with Nagito, but the reason isn't really important. You want to know how to get out. Well, assuming Hajime is reading this, you have to come out of the closet, to get out of the closet! I hope that helps you. I want the best for you guys!

I tried my best to not scream, and thankfully, I didn't. The overwhelming urge to choke whoever wrote this note did not escape my thoughts.

"Who the hell wrote this?!"
"What a weird note! Now Hajime," he looked over to me, a newfound glint in his eyes, "this is something only you can do, is it not? You have to do as the note says. That's the only way we can escape!"
"N-No! I'm not going to do it!"
"Do you want to be stuck with someone like me forever? The despair you feel must be overwhelming, deal with him, or say something you don't want to. I promise, your acts will not be in vain! Whoever is behind this, I know they will bring forward a splendid hope! Now come on Hajime, just say it already! I have no right to judge you anyways."

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