I'll Be Here For You (Sometimes)

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This is a Toko x Byakuya one-shot, and it is told in Toko's POV, and for a bit, Genocide Jack's POV. Thank you for reading!

NOTE: This is before the Tragedy.

It had happened again.

The same feeling of displacement, when finding myself in an alleyway, staring at the filthy ground. Then slowly looking up, seeing a pool of blood, and trying not to pass out at the sight of it. The real deal was when I saw the body, the message, and how it was cruelly pinned up onto a wall.

It would always take all of my willpower not to scream out.

Another body, another person dead because I couldn't control myself...

I always found myself lingering at where the body was placed, wanting to do something, anything. Wishing, hoping, praying, it was a nightmare, and that I would wake up soon. No split personality, no deaths at my hand.

Once reality truly settled in...I would run. And that's what I did.

I took off, nearly tripping over my own feet, stumbling my way back to my dorm. Trying not to cry, not yet, just not yet...

Down the alleyway, and into the dark night. I was glad that nobody could see how terrified I was and how that there was blood all over my clothes.

Run, run, run.

At least it was deserted in the streets.

Back to Hope's Peak, to where I could hide, because everyone would be asleep, and nobody would notice me.

I could change my clothes, and just try to get over it again. The same stupid cycle because I can't control her. It's even been distracting me from writing.

So I rushed to my dorm, panting, tears brimming in my eyes, and grateful that loud mouth hall monitor wasn't there to yell at me for running.

Excuse me for running away from a dead body, Taka!

I sighed, and got out my key, some tears already dripping onto my shaky hands. I groaned, annoyed with how weak I was still acting, even though I'd done this so often. I unlocked the door and went inside.

Once I was in, I wiped my tears, took deep breaths, and got out a new pair of clothes.

"I should probably just get into pajamas for now..."

I rummaged through my drawer for something clean, and got out a tank top and shorts.

"I'll look like a slut in this but there's nothing else here...my scars will also be visible...dammit. Why the hell does she have to mark me up?!"

I began to take off my shirt, but not before there was a knock at the door, and somebody opening it.

I shrieked when I saw who it was.

In his usual attire, I saw Byakuya in my doorway, and I immediately wanted to die. More than ever. My shirt was half off, I was still covered in goddamn blood, and my eyes were still red from a bit of crying from earlier.

He calmly shut the door, and for once, to my utter dismay, spoke to me.

"I'll wait for you to get dressed, but you best have an explanation for whatever has happened to you."

I didn't hesitate banging my head against a wall, before responding.

"Y-Yes, B-Byakuya..."

I felt even more embarrassed and horrified at the fact that the one person I for once didn't want to see tonight had showed up.

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