Chapter 16

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"I'm just going to tell you everything, ok?" She looks at me with concern.

"Ok?" I laugh a little, I don't why she so concerned. It can't be that bad, right?

"Your father had many, many secrets that had to be kept so they won't fall into the wrong hands. You know how they have the FBI and the CIA? Well that's child's play compared to what your father and I are in. It's called the BFCB, Bona Fide Carte Blanche. We work in various fields concerning everyone. If you ever wondered who's over the president, it's us."

"Are you serious? So you and my dad are apart of that?" I ask and she nods.

"If we have children, we tell them when they turn sixteen, like you are right now."

"So, do I need training or anything?" She laughs.

"Course not, you were born from our blood, the skills are already equipped, the instincts are already in your DNA, flowing through your veins." She runs a finger down my forearm.

"So, is there anything about dad you can tell me?" I ask hopefully, I know very little about my dad.

"He only left because the people from the other organization, CCCÉ, Capricious Charisma Cloying Élan, were coming to the house to forcefully get the secrets from him. So he left before they could hurt us. Once they heard he was on the run, they followed him. But he died, over the bridge." She looks down.

"So are you the only one that knows the password?" I ask.

"Well, me and one other person but we don't know each other, never met. They call the other person that isn't related to the source Lifeline Supporter. In case we die, they'll have the password. And now you. Someone could be listening right now, so I'll tell you later when we're alone."

"Wow, this is, just wow." I run my hand through my hair.

"There's more. So this organization is known because they get their way by basically flirting. What a high elite association?" We laugh. "They play with emotions or use their charm to get your trust, and next your secrets. They try to ruin other relationships you have so they can get to you faster."

"Wow, have you ever met one?"

"A guy I met, my summer sixteen actually. Get it, because I was sixteen and it was in the summer and that's Drake's song." She laughs. My mom is as hip as it gets so I'ma laugh with her. "He was at a party my parents were having, I can't remember why though. We started dating a few weeks after but I found out he was in the CCCÉ. I can't remember what happened after that. Your mother's mind is too full of other information to hold mindless memories like that."

"So he never actually liked you?"

"Nope, just toying with my emotions. But he never got the secret out of me so that's good, at least." My mind started wandering to Daniel. Nah, he can't be in the CCCÉ. I'm just making stuff up in my head.

"So it's always the opposite gender and they try to date you?"

"No, the gender doesn't matter, they could play a sister role in your life, as long as your trust is being given to them." My mom shrugs.

"Now I'm paranoid." I cover my face.

"It's ok, I was paranoid too the first day I found out. Don't worry too much." Good, that means it's not definitely Daniel. What was I thinking? "Remember, you can not tell anyone." I look down at my fiddling at hands. "Not even Daniel."

"Ok, fine." I sigh. "So that's why we moved?"

"That's why we moved all the other times. The CCCÉ located us so we had to change locations."

"And that's how you have all the money?"


"So what's my job?"

"All you have to do is not let that secret out by any means."

"Sounds simple but I bet it's not."

"Not at all, it's hard to know who's who. Anyone can come into your life, really. And you don't know who's who, and you don't want destroy relationships because of paranoia. So don't think about Daniel too much with this, I actually like him. Wouldn't want a wrong accusation to send him away."

"Me either." I smile at the thought of him. I really love Daniel. I hope nothing tears us apart.

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