"Fuck!" I heard Locklyn yell from the living room and Anya ran in to help her.

"You just woke the triplets up. What the hell Hadley?" she was ignoring me. "Hadley Sadie Mikaelson!" I yelled and pushed her away from the closet. She had a red stick in her hand and was shaking while holding it in her grip. "What is that?"

"A way out of here!" she stood up, walked past me, and towards the back door.

"Hadley, wait!" I yelled and went after her. "Stop!" I yelled and pushed her to the ground.

"Get off of me, Trace!" she yelled. "We need to get out of here and now!"

"We need to have a plan. We need to pack up the triplets and get Cason out before you do something stupid and could hurt all of us."

"You don't get it!" she yelled and had tears falling down her face. "I can't be here another minute. I need to get out of here. I want to go home, be with my family, be a normal teenage girl again." I stared at her and watched as she was breaking down. "I want Armin. I want to talk to him, I want to hug him, I want to be with him. I want to die in order to see Armin and it sucks to feel like this. He understood me, he was there when none of you were, I carried his child, I was going to save him from the damage he was doing to himself. I didn't save him though and I can't carry that guilt any longer."

"This is about you missing Armin, not a way out of here, huh?" she nodded and cried harder. "We all miss him, Had."

"His death date is coming up." I nodded and closed my eyes. "And I don't want to be in this cabin when it comes. I want to be home."

I sighed and got what she was saying. I want to be home when that day comes also. Armin was my brother, a brother I never thought of having, and Cason is also, but Armin and I had this connection where we knew each other's thoughts, we knew when one of us was hurt or in trouble, we were like twins. Cason and I have this connection where he is more of a step-brother, he's there, we're close, but we don't know each other's thoughts, he will come to me if he sees something bothering me, sort of like a father figure.

Hadley pushed me off of her, stood up, and ran out the sliding glass door. she pulled the tab off the top of the flare and it began to crackle, smoke, and let out a bright orange color.

"NO!" I screamed right as she threw the flare into the forest, causing it to explode and catch the trees on fire. "What did you just do?"

"We're going home," she said while looking back at me with a tear stained face.

"Anya, Locklyn!" I yelled and ran into the living room. "Get the triplets and run!"

"What just happened? Why did we hear an explosion?" Locklyn asked. "The babies are crying now."

"Hadley set off a flare and set the forest on fire! We need to get out of here before it spreads!" Anya and Locklyn exchanged looks and shook their heads. "NOW! MOVE!"

"Help Locklyn while I get Cason out of bed. Take some sheets, wrap it around your neck to cradle the babies. how long do we have until it spreads?"

"All I know about flares is that we have up to thirty minutes until the fire and smoke get bigger and thicker. We need to get going." Anya nodded and ran up the stairs to get Cason. I helped Locklyn with the babies. I looked in the giant box and saw two packages of special baby wraps. "Here, put these two wraps on for the girls and I will get a sheet and make one for Joel."

"Wait, Trace, we need diapers, bottles, the formula, clothes, blankets. How far do we have to walk? Will someone at least see us from the road? We were supposed to have a plan, what happened to that?"

The Secret Five #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now