Day 58-Cason

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I'm hunting today and dragging Trace along because I need to get away from the girls and the emotions they are having, especially Locklyn with her being sick and bitchy.

Trace and I took the bow and arrows today because we don't want to be in the house at the moment. Trace packed a book bag of food, water, and even some blankets just in case we are out too long and don't make it back for bedtime.

Trace was waiting for me outside and Locklyn was crying because I might not be back tonight. It's like I all ready have a child because of her hormones. I quickly ran out the back door, passed Trace, and into the woods to get away from the house. Trace figured out what was going on and ran after me and finally caught up about a mile into the woods.

"What was all that about?" Trace asked out of breath. "Why was Locklyn yelling?"

"I had to get out of there. You and I are having a guys' night. We are not going back tonight because I can't deal with the girls and their hormones. Lock is insane right now."

"Dude, she may be pregnant, of course she is going to be a bit of a bitch. Look at how she was when we got here. She is the wild child out of us all and I think it's from Rydal and everyone at school. They were forcing her to be like Rydal and that was not going to happen with Locklyn."

"I love Locklyn with my life, but I feel bad for her and wish I can take it all away from her. She has it bad at home and you guys may not know it or see it, but I have, first hand, and she gets treated like crap from her mother. Her father is the only one who cares about her and will fight with her mother about how she treats Locklyn. Lock doesn't have an easy life and now adding children to the mix will ignite the fire and they will hate me more because I got her pregnant."

"Maybe this baby will change how they look at Locklyn. Did all of this happen recently, like with her mother treating her like crap? Because I used to stay over her house when my father worked the night shift and they were never like that and I am very close to Mr. and Mrs. Monsey."

"Yeah, I told you when all this started, when Mrs. Monsey walked in on us having sex. I can see why she was mad but she went a little far." Trace nodded. "Now, lets focus." He laughed and we began to walk around slowly and watching every step we are taking.

Trace and I decided to split up so we don't scare all the animals away and agreed to meet at the campsite Trace made up for Locklyn and I for our anniversary by dawn. It was quiet out here and I love it. My life is changing, drastically, and very soon the quietness won't be around any longer. I love the quiet and it's weird since I live near a major city and have younger siblings, but back home, my room was in the attic and I don't mind being in the attic. It's away from everyone else and I have a ton of privacy, especially when Locklyn is over.

Since we began dating, I always imagined us living in a small cabin in a quiet town, but now that we may be having two or more babies, I might now want a mansion, gated, in the middle of nowhere, and keep my children safe from the bad world outside. I want to send my children to private school, the same one we went to, but it is also Locklyn's choice, these are half of hers.

While walking, I didn't hear any animals and thought it was pretty weird. It has been colder also and that isn't a good sign; it means winter is coming and the bears are going into hibernation and food will be scarce.

I saw an opening through the trees where the sun was shining. I stared at the ground making sure I don't go over the markers, then again I should so we can get out of here sooner; it won't work because they will arrest me and that will be on my record, permanently, and getting a job will be harder for me. I need a good paying job if I am going to support a family.

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