Day 2-Trace

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We fell asleep outside by the fire. I woke up to find Hadley and Anya asleep in the chairs and Cason and Locklyn weren't in the hammock, I was. What happened after all that sappy shit last night? How did I end up in the hammock? Where are Cason and Locklyn?

I sat up and saw two empty wine bottles on the ground along with many cups. I slowly stood up from the hammock and began to walk into the cabin. My head was pounding from how much I drank last night.

I was searching the cabinets in the kitchen for medicine, there was none, and then I realized the bathrooms may have the medicine. I slowly went up the stairs and was trying to figure out where the bathrooms were. Everything was blurry still, it happens when I am hung-over though. I found a bathroom, I don't know if it is the girls' or the guys', but it's a bathroom and Locklyn was leaning over the toilet throwing up.

"Locklyn?" she nodded and threw up once more. "You okay?"

She nodded and wiped her mouth. "I drank too much last night, I'll be fine. It happens every time I drink too much."

"Are you sure now?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You should know this Trace; you have seen me thrown up while hung-over before. I threw up on you last year at the Christmas party."

"Oh, yeah, I remember and that was the night you told everyone you slept with Cason."

"Shut up!" she yelled and threw up again. "That was not my best moment."

"I realized that when you went into full blown detail about the great sex Cason and you had. He was so pissed at you, I really thought he was going to break up with you after that. The whole school knew about it."

She grinned and stood up at the sink. "Thank you, oh so much, for reminding me of the lowest point in my life. Thank you Trace, you are such a great friend." She gave me a dirty look and shook her head. She washed out her mouth, went into the medicine cabinet, took out a bottle of aspirin, and popped two pills in her mouth. She handed me the bottle, walked past me, and slammed her bedroom door shut.

Everyone was up by ten o'clock. Cason and I decided to walk around and try to go hunting and to figure out where the markers are. Cason and I each had a shot gun and utility knife and we began to walk away from the cabin slowly. Cason was quiet and that isn't usually like him.

"Everything alright, Cason?" I was looking to the right of me for some kind of wildlife movement. "You're quiet."

"I'm just thinking about things."

"Like what?" I looked at him quickly. Is he planning on breaking up with Locklyn and we have to live with the two of them hating each other? "Locklyn and you okay or no?"

"Oh, goodness, we're fine, she's perfect. It's just what I said last night about forgetting the past and crap, that is what my father told me everyday before he left. Since I said it I have been thinking about him and where he may be, ya know. I wonder if he is dead or alive. I wonder if he is thinking about me and how I am doing."

"He has to be somewhere in this world."

"Still, Trace. I understand your father and you don't get along very well, but my father was my best friend and he took care of me while my mother was off having more children with another man. My parents weren't like yours. They were very young when they had me and separated when I was three. I had to live this life of going back and forth, fighting about holidays and where I'll go, having to accept this stranger as my new stepfather and him impregnating my mother twice in a matter of three years. Your parents were a bit older and have different standards than mine."

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