Day 179-Trace

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I watch Anya. I watch her eat. I watch her cook. I watch her sleep on the couch after a long day of cleaning and cooking. She has been eating more and gaining back some weight, but doesn't like it at all. I keep telling her that if she doesn't, she will die and she doesn't want that. 

         Today, I am fishing and wanting to cook dinner for everyone. Tonight is the night Anya and I will be telling everyone about our relationship and how we started dating back in October. I told Cason about my plan and to keep Anya out of the kitchen. He agreed to help me but says it may be hard to keep Anya away.

         I had the fishing rod and bucket with me and went out to the pond. I decided to get into the water; I feel like the fish are hiding and in the deepest part of the pond, that cannot be reached from land.

         I cast the line and stood there without moving and waited for something to tug on the bait. I dig up worms like a little boy in kindergarten, sitting in the dirt with a shovel and a cup, looking for worms. I don't mind the dirt, but I know that the girls hate it.

         I kept waiting for something until I finally got a tug and began to reel in the line. Although, it wasn't reeling in, it was just staying there. I slowly took small steps and tried to find where the line is.

         Then, someone grabbed my ankles, and pulled me under.

I started to fight.

         I screamed when I went to the surface. I took a deep breath and was pulled back under.

         I had my eyes opened. While under water I saw my mother. I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying to believe it wasn't happening. When I opened my eyes, she was still there, swimming towards me.

         "Trace David, how dare you?" her voice high-pitched. Her voice always went high-pitched when she got mad. "Your father and you need each other and you two decide to fight about everything. If I was still alive, you two would be close, having holidays together, being supportive of each other, and most of all loving each other. Your father is depressed and you don't make it better for him. He needs you more than ever right now, Trace, and I know that you need him also." I shook my head and knew I was crying, even though I am under water. "Trace, you need your father and he needs you." She then disappeared.

         I shook my head and screamed once more. I tried to swim up, but something was holding my ankles tightly, like hands were gripping them tightly. I looked down to see what was holding me under and it was two hands. I began to kick and try to get free of whoever was holding me down.

         I gave up and looked ahead of me to see Armin. He was clapping but had an angry look on his face. I shook my head and screamed.

         "Shut up!" Armin yelled and came after me. He put a hand behind my head and his other over my mouth. I was breathing through my nose, which isn't helping because I'm under water. "If you hurt my sister, I will never let you live it down. Understand?" I nodded. The last time I saw Armin this mad was when these girls threw juice all over Anya's winter ball gown. They laughed at her and she ran out crying. This was in tenth grade and Armin knew I liked Anya at that point. I ran after Anya and took her home after Armin yelled at them. They never teased her again. "She loves you, Trace. I know she does. You two deserve to be together and have a family and make sure to keep my spirit alive. Tell Cason and Locklyn's children about me. Make sure Alton is taken care of and not falling off the wagon. Help my parents deal with the aftermath of Anya coming to cabin and when you get out. Be me, Trace, be me."

         I nodded and he took his hand off my mouth. He soon disappeared.

         When I was closing my eyes due to the lack of oxygen I was getting, I saw a figure that looked like my father.

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