Phase 8: I Loved You More Than I Loved Life Itself

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I traveled across the room to the closet, grabbing my luggage and headed for the chipped and splintered door. Once I grabbed the handle of the door that stood in defense of my secrets that hadn't found the light as yet, I never looked back.

I was headed to a place that was nothing close to here. A place where I can be free and start a new. I could formulate a new reputation for myself.

I was no longer Grey, the fast daughter of the late great Celester that was pursued by August Alsina the dope boy. I was now Grey, the indisputably brilliant woman of utter confidence and finesse.

This was the start of a new life. Although the residue of August's pain will always be there, this wouldn't hinder me from my sudden boost of ambition.

"Why are we here? What do you want with me" I barked.

"Lower ya' fuckin' voice Grey. And quit the proper talk" his voice deepened. I could see that he was slowly but surely turning into the August that he would show outsiders.

The August that was rude, tough, and obnoxious.

I smacked my lips. "Mane, fuck you August, fuck you. What ya' need ta' do is tell ya lil friends to let us go" I said.

"You ain't goin' no fuckin' where until I get some answers" he grumbled.

I pushed my tied hands between my chocolate thighs, waiting for him to continue. As I waited, I watched August closely. He had tattoos now, those weren't there when we were 'kids'. I could see them because he had on no shirt. I hadn't noticed them before. I mentally palmed my forehead at the fact that I was slow enough to not analyze his appearance before now.

"Ya just up and left me, like yeen care bout a nigga. Like I ain't matta'" he mumbled as he was now leaning on the window sill of Daley's den. His voice was now uneasy. I kept my straight face, and I didn't care about the way he was feeling. That is if he was feeling some type of way.

"Really nigga? Ya' choose now to wanna have this conversation, huh? If ya' really cared, you woulda chased afta' me. Not that I was lookin' forward to you doing so" I flipped my weave over my shoulder without lifting my hands. He pursed his upper lip and flipped his bottom lip inside out sarcastically, as if he was saying okay, I see how it is.

"You damn right, we won't be having ' this conversation" he said just as his phone began to ring. I smirked as I felt something slick to say boiling within me.

"Tha's Paloma, ain't it" I asked, faking my curiosity. August flipped me a bird. I chuckled at this. Getting under his skin was my specialty.

He pressed his phone to his ear tightly. "What ya' want Shed, we in da' same house and ya' callin' me"


"Nigga, you might wanna come see this" Shed said into the phone. Moments later Yung showed up with a miserable Grey slung over his right shoulder. He carried her with ease as if God created him to be able to carry her weight.

Yung was caught in the crossfire of dishes being thrown across the room, nearly hitting Dikoita once surpassing August and his ex beloved. Yung's eyes became wide and his jaw dropped at the war zone in front of him. China glass covered the tile floor like a thick slab of cement. He looked around to see a crouching Dikoita and an enraged Daley, pitching the plates across the room in his direction.

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