Blonde Jokes

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Firstly, I'd like to say:


You know that people say blondes are dumb but obviously they're not.

If you are blonde, if you want you don't have to read this or just imagine that it is a "dumb person" not a blonde person.

That's enough rambling, let's get on with it.

By the way, I found all these online so I didn't make them up.


Q. How did a blonde try to kill a bird?
A. She threw it off a cliff

Q. Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M company?
A. She threw all the Ws away.

Q. How do you get a blonde to laugh on Friday?
A. Tell her a joke on Monday.

I forgot to put this joke in my previous part:

Q. Why did the boy drop his ice cream?
A. Because he was hit by a bus.


Sorry it's a bit short.

Again, please don't take this the wrong way.

Thanks for reading this far.

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