Confession 20

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Once, when I was at my grandparents house for a week, I was snooping around in my cousins room. I was the only one home, so I figured I wouldn't get caught. I was looking for the monster he snuck in his room because he kept taking them from my stash in the fridge. (He wasn't much older than me. Maybe less than a year, but he was very territorial and hated people in his room.) I found it underneath his bed, next to a small bed of weed.
I heard a car door shut, and I bolted with the weed and monster still in my hand. I shoved the monster into the soup cabinet and grabbed the fish food and crumpled the weed into it before anyone could see.
That's about the time that my grandparents and my cousins walked into the kitchen. They were putting groceries away, and they asked me what I was doing because I was just standing there with a tube of fish food in my hand.
I finally said that I was feeding the fish and I'd been distracted when they came in. So I fed the fish, and I was so nervous I probably put too much in there to begin with, and the next morning the fish were dead.
I don't think anyone figured out it out, but my cousin looked like he had lost something the rest of the week. We flushed the fish the next morning and I threw away the fish food aka murder weapon.

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