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Horoki directed Hiyori to his house. A small cottage with a large amount of land. They slowly landed.

Hiyori placed him on the ground. "Do you want me to give you a bit and I'll swoop back?" She asked.

"Hmm" he thought. "Actually you think you can help me with something when I dry off?"

She nodded her head.

"Great I'll be right back" as he ran inside.

A few minutes later he came out. "How do I look?" He asked her.

He was wearing some clean jeans, a black dress shirt, and shiny black shoes.

"Wow" She gasped. "You clean up nice."

"Oh cmon" he laughed. "You should know gardeners and farmers aren't always dirty."

She laughed agreeing with him.

"Wait what's the smell?" She asked.

Horoki struck a hero pose. "Lavender. What do you think?"

"I think she's going to love it." She said calmly.

He gasped. "How'd you know about Sohara? I didn't tell anyone."

She laughed. "I'm afraid you just sealed the deal. I had my own thoughts but no denying now."

He froze. "Ah crap. I'm I that obvious?"

She turned away. "Sadly." With a smirk. "Well I think she's gonna love it. So let's go to my house and I change and pick some fresh stuff for dinner.

She took his hand and they flew off Peter Pan style.

It was a quick flight. After a rather soft landing she ran in as he scanned the field. He just starred at it for a while. Eventually she came out in a nice summer dress.

"Like what you see?" She asked.

Horoki scratched his head. "Not sure where to begin. What's your favorites?"

She put her hand on her cheek. "Um" She thought. "String peas are Tomoki's favorite let's grab some of them, orange sweet pepper so you can try them. And for your date let's go with some large potatoes. She makes good meat and potatoes let me tell you."

Horoki itched his neck. "Let's roll with it. After all we don't want to be late. How about I hold the basket and you throw them in while we run through the field. Yes or no?"

"Mhm" She replied innocently.

As the sun was starting to set they had a whole basket of crops since they had a bunch of mouths to feed. While holding the basket Horoki was carried by Hiyori off to Tomoki's house.

After soon touching the ground they had a big hug as everyone starred. The two of them scanned everyone around them and looked at each other.

"Oh boy" Horoki blushed.


So what's the trouble. Is Hiyori accused of dating a guy on the fly (again)? What is going through everyone's mind? And how does Sohara feel that he just dressed up, picked crops, and showed affection to another girl? You can cut the awkward and tense air with a knife. Should be interesting. Make your predictions and hope you enjoy.


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