Cloud Surfing

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Shortly after, everyone readied up and went to the cliff by the river to take flight. Suggata as usual flew solo as others partnered up. Tomoki and Ikaros (given), Sohara and Nymph, Mikako and Asteria (another given), and finally Horoki and Hiyori.

Suggata lead the way through the air and started around the woods for the tour. Everyone followed. Horoki's jaw just dropped. He had always been on solid land and little hills. It was hard for him to think he wasn't dreaming.

Hiyori moved closer to him. "Might want to close your mouth. Bugs can fly in. They wouldn't be good."

Horoki laughed. "Ya that would really suck."

Soon the approached the farm that Hiyori put countless time in.

"These are my crops Horoki. What do you think?"

"I think their amazing. A lot more variety than me. And the plants are huge. Any chances of you teaching me a few things?" He asked nervously.

Hiyori smiled. "Of course. I could use a hand this time of year. Maybe after club activities you can stop by. How much time do you have?"

Horoki smurked. "Plenty. But can you do me a favor before we land?"

Hiyori blushed. "What would... that be?"

Horoki looked up, "Let's fly through a cloud and get soaked. I'm really starting to sweat."

She nodded, grabbed hold of the glider, and basically took over like a plane of some sort. They went straight up and followed up by swarming through rounds of clouds. They both laughed and once the others found out they were having so much fun decided to join in. After they were all completely soaked to the point they could make rain drops from a mile high in the air they decided to land.

Once landed everyone was laughing.

"How come we never tried that before?" Asked Sohara.

Mikako with a dark smile. "Well now. Doesn't somebody like to get wet."

Sohara sweatdropped.

Hiyori strained the water out of her hair. "It was Horoki's idea."

They all turned to him.

"What?" He laughed. "I was starting to sweat real bad."

Tomoki grinned. "You know what? I think you're going to like it here. You fit perfectly. But I think all of us should get changed."

"Agreed" Suggata boomed.

Everyone heard Asteria's stomach.

She looked around at everyone. "After we change what are we going to do for the yummies?"

Everyone looked at their stomachs.

"Well we all flew on empty bellies." Said Nymph. "Though what do you want to do?"

"I'll help if you need to." Tagged in Horoki.

Sohara beemed. "You have anything grown yet Horoki?"

His face fell. "I haven't gotten anything seeded since I just moved."

Hiyori turned to him. "Suggata lives here. Mikako not too far and the others are right next to each other. How about I fly you to your house, get changed, and you help me pick some veggies? We'll meet at Tomoki's house again?

Everyone chimed in. "I'm in."

"See you soon everyone" smiled Hiyori. "Let's get you freshened up."

She grabbed hold of him and she took off.

Sohara watched in jealousy as they flew out of sight. "Damn she doesn't even try and she snatches them right up." She muttered.

"What was that Sohara" asked Nymph.

"Huh? Oh nothing." She replied nervously.

Nymph had that signature grin on her face. "Is their something we should know about?"

Sohara shook her head. "It's nothing. Let's just get back and change and prepare dinner."

Instead of the usual walk everyone flew back. Nymph and Sohara being the first ones leave.

Tomoki and Ikaros followed shortly.

"Master?" Ikaros whispered.

Tomoki with a huge smile. "What's up Ikaros?"

"Do you suppose?" She puzzled.

Tomoki went in deep thought. "Horoki is a nice guy. I take him as a friend already. Although I thinks he's got the hots for one of them. Nymph is rather quiet and Asteria doesn't have the same mindset. Sohara did invite him today and Hiyori gets along with Horoki so well. It's hard to say."

"Master?" She called again. "You don't suppose?"

Tomoki sighed. "A love triangle of some sort? I don't know. Not trying to think about that right now. Just trying to change clothes and have us have a nice dinner together. But I'm happy with what I have."

He looked in her eyes. "I love you Ikaros."

She grew a smile. "I love you too... Master."


Well Tomoki said it and so will I. Is this a love triangle? Or is one just jealous? What's Horoki's take on the two girls and is someone trying to stir the pot? Meanwhile Nymph is showing concern and is slowly connecting the dots as Tomoki is sitting back and watching the show since he knows first hand that love takes time. Make your predictions. I hope you like where it's going. It's published early this is about half way through. Upload should be tomorrow sometime.


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